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[Crystal and Winter are having a conversation with each other back in the meeting room at Eternity. Both dragons are discussing what happened to the world. Crystal is sitting on a chair while Winter walks around, holding his forehead]


WINTER: And so we're not completely sure about this?

CRYSTAL: I stopped her halfway through her activation. I think it could've been why half the world is still intact right now. I know this sounds unbelievable, Winter.

WINTER: Crystal, nothing is unbelievable anymore. Half the world is gone. All the lands, cities, dragons... half of everything is destroyed. A-and now you want me to believe that this was intentional?

CRYSTAL: I wasn't sure, and I'm not right now.

WINTER: [sighs in exasperation] Where's the fragments?

CRYSTAL: After Storm used them, they disappeared and went back to where they came from.

WINTER: [thinks for a moment] Still no words?

CRYSTAL: [shakes her head] Nothing from Hyssop, Stellar, the Pantalan dragons. [drops her talon] Absolutely nothing.

WINTER: This is terrible.

CRYSTAL: Well, if it makes you happier, they're still on the lines. [sighs] Just haven't talked ever since the entire thing with Storm. We all lost somebody, Winter. Can't do anything now.

WINTER: What about the rest of them?

CRYSTAL: The rest of them? Well, Moon is off-continent, and so is Turtle. [pauses, and she speaks softly] And Kinkajou... she was on Manok when the continent collapsed. Queen Glory was there as well.

WINTER: What's the, uh... casualty number?

CRYSTAL: Four hundred million. We're getting more each day.

[Winter covers his face with his talons, and he groans silently. He moves his talons away from his face and looks on the ground]

WINTER: Okay...

[at the center of the table is a holographic display of the map of the world. Half of all the continents are missing from the display, the result of Storm's destruction. A mark suddenly appears on the map, notifying both Winter and Crystal]

WINTER: What is it?

CRYSTAL: I'll check it out. [looks closely at the holographic display, and her eyes widen in shock] Three moons.

WINTER: [approaches toward the display] The ping just came out of nowhere?

CRYSTAL: It caught a heat signature off the edge of Agloa. [turns and looks at Winter in surprise] The heat from this is too strong to be a normal dragon. This can't be...

WINTER: So he's-

CRYSTAL: [smiles in joy] Inferno is alive. He's alive.

[Viper is walking across the forest with Phoenix. Both dragons are having a conversation with each other]

VIPER: Any idea what's going on?

PHOENIX: No. Iom told me there was a disruption across Kanundra. Same thing happened with Crystalline, Aroutine, and Manok.

VIPER: How were they?


VIPER: Left him alone for a year, and things like this happen. [sighs in annoyance] You're really sure Atlas is fine?

PHOENIX: There is energy signature across the continent. It's okay.

VIPER: I'm going.

PHOENIX: Wait... what? Where are you going?

VIPER: To see Inferno. He should know what happened. I need to find him now, [looks at Phoenix] and figure out a way to fix this.

[Viper walks across the forest, with Phoenix following after her. The two dragons see light outside the forest, and they begin approaching it. As they get closer, they see a large ocean ahead, with lands and islands sinking into the depths]


Wings of Fire: The Core FragmentsWhere stories live. Discover now