Chapter 2- A new life is on its way

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   After the night when Vladimir had taken Yuko in his home she wouldn't say a word,she was too afraid to even move.Vladimir had sent the maids to dress her up in decent clothes and take her to her room,the two maids dressed her up in a white night dress and combed her hair then brought her to her room that was next to Vladimir's.
  The room had a big window,a big bed with red sheets,two tables,a big closet filled with clothes and toys placed on the fluffy carpet.She walked slowly towards the bed and sat on it zoning out,the maids were looking at her with sadness in their eyes,knowing what life the little girl will go through with Vladimir as her father.
  –"Do you like your room princess?"one of the maids asked.
  Yuko just nodded her head slowly and kept zoning out in her thoughts.
–"Alright princess,go to sleep tomorrow you'll have a big day..Good night.."the other maid said as she closed the door and turned off the light.After they had left she went under the blanket and fell asleep the second she placed her head on  the pillow.

The next morning it was 8am,the sun was shining right through the window of her room,the sun shine was laying on the girl's face as she slept,dried tears were staining her cheeks.A maid entered her room and woke her up,she took her to clean her face and get dressed,the maid dressed her up in a beautiful little dress and combed her black silky hair.Neither Carla or Vladimir had black hair,maybe it was passed down from upper generations.

  The maid grabbed her little hand and walked to the dining room where Vladimir was waiting for her to eat breakfast and then he would show her the castle and the town.As they entered the room Vladimir's eyes placed on the little girl's scared green eyes,the maid helped her sit on the big chair next to Vladimir and bowed at her king before leaving the room.The dining room was a big room,with a red tapestry that had roses on it a darker colour,a long table with chairs that had red cussions and golden armstands,the food looked amazing,in the room there were two more guards by the window behind Vladimir's seat and two more in the other part of the room.They both ate,Yuko did not had that much appetite after what she saw last night,the sight of her "father" being killed right in front of her,the blood dripping on the floor,his pale face directing her's.She tried to forget about it and continued eating.
–"Do you like the food?"the white haired man asked.
She just nodded and kept her eyes on her plate,she was too scared to look at him in the eyes.
–"You better eat everything.I don't want you starving like all the useless mortals in this town."he said as he rolled his red ruby eyes.

  After eating he helped her get off the chair and took her hand in his,his hands were big and veiny,he had sharp nails like a vampire does,the Devlin family was known to having powers like vampires do,yet they did not get burned by the sunlight.Vladimir showed her around the hall and on the main hall of the castle there were portraits of people,a man with a white beard and short hair,a woman with grey hair and scars across her face,and there stand a portrait of a man with long black hair sitting on a chair,his wife next to him,she was beautiful,she had white hair and beautiful blue eyes..and on the man's lap was a little boy had that white hair and a bright smile on his face.Vladimir noticed her staring and scoffed.
–"I should probably tell the guards to take it down.I don't like seeing..that."he said staring at the face of his father,Sarvelius.
  After the portrait of the family,there was one of a strange looking demon,it was a portrait of Djar in battle,the portrait was so detailed that it gave her chills.Then he showed her the throne room,the ballroom and most of the castle,just not one exact room.She looked at it,the door was barricaded with wood,he saw her looking at it and his face changed into an angry one.
–"You are not allowed there.No one is.Don't even try to enter it or take a peak!" Yuko flinched at his loud voice and tears formed in her eyes.
–"Ugh.. You're such a crybaby!Why did I even take you..I should've tried until I got a boy!Stop crying before I give you a reason to cry!" Vladimir yelled at the little girl that was crying now.Vladimir scoffed and told a guard to take care of her.He then left the hall leaving the little princess crying and shaking,the guard felt so bad for her,the king was a cruel man and no one deserved to be treated like that, especially a little scared girl.He picked her up and noticed the emerald necklace around her neck,he recognised it from his old friend Klaus,he then realized the whole situation and why Klaus did not come to work.He calmed the little girl down and took her to her room.She went directly into bed and started crying,the guard closed her door and went back to the main hall.

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