Chapter One: A Poor Beginning.

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The sound of slow, falling water was keeping out all of the other sounds that surrounded me. Or... was it even water? I refuse to tell it's true colours. But it seems that you are.. interested? Hm.. that's new. The melody of rain suddenly comes into play. Endless drops, falling from that never ending dark, gloomy abyss above. It's soft tones never seem to disappoint. It always seems to begin at the right moments.. sad moments. The rain drowns out the screams that fade in front of me. My heart never seemed to show sympathy for these young souls I'd take. How could it? It was only my job. My orders. Not my problem. If I chose to disobey, I'd be simply taking their place. Sore options that I wish I was never presented with. But, the answer was quite easy.. it's either kill, or be killed. Simple, right? Their voices finally stop, and I'm left to stand there with nothing but a rusty blade, and puddles that glow from the reflection of the stars. With this light, you could really see the rose coloured liquid that laid ahead. At least there is no one around to see. I'm too exhausted to clean this up. I'll leave this to the others who come by later to retrieve the bodies.
I sigh.
My life seems to be stuck in this hideous loop.

I peer out of the alleyway, with my golden eyes illuminating the street ahead. Anyone who may pass by will think I'm some sort of predictor. They wouldn't be so wrong.. I suppose. I walk alongside the building towards my car parked behind it, so no one was suspicious of why someone would be in this place so late at night. I start up the engine and head to my next destination, and the one I've been waiting for, home. Once I arrive I make my way to the door of my apartment, fumbling through my bag looking for the key. It's been a long day. Finally I am able to rest. I manage to get the door open, as I walk inside and kick off my shoes. I'm only two steps into the room when my phone starts to vibrate.
It's the boss.
My brain refuses to function as I struggle to hit the answer button.
My eyes hurt..
I bring the phone up to my ear, and I try to speak but the words won't come out fast enough, as the person on the other line speaks first.
"Did you get them?"
The man speaks in a rather obeying tone. I hesitate for a moment.
"Yes. All three, just like you asked."
I sigh.
"Good. I'll send you photos and descriptions of your next target."
He hung up the phone.
I place my phone down as I rest my face in my hands.
This job is tiring..
I look over my shoulder, towards the clock on the other side of the room.
Already 1:32 am..
I decide that it's best for me to just go and get some rest before I'm called to do another one of those horrific orders. I begin to walk to my room, but I stop in my tracks as I look back towards the kitchen.
Ah what the heck..
I grab a few beer bottles and I head to my room.

It's around 2 pm the next day, when I get woken by my phone ringing again. I sit up and look around with groggy eyes, only to find about 8 beer bottles and a bunch of other shit laying around the floor of my bedroom.
Fuck.. I'm still hungover..
I quickly attempt to grab my phone, but I fail and just end up throwing myself off the bed. I hit the floor and sit up again as I let out a deep breath. I finally reach over for my phone and check the time.
Shit. I slept in!
I answer and hesitate to speak once more.
"Took you long enough. I've got a mission for you."
The voice on the other line has spoken before me.
"I'll send you their ID and description."
I stay silent until I see an email appear on my laptop screen in the kitchen. I then realize I left all of the lights on over night, as well as my computer. I quickly get up and I make my way over to the counter.
"Did you get the email?"
The man speaks impatiently.
"Yes. I'm checking it out now."
I open the email to see a photo of a slim, pale figure. I can't focus on the photo due to my eyes hurting so badly from exhaustion.
"His name is, Saijo Takato. Black hair, blue eyes, 5'7. You get the idea. I want him finished by Friday."
I look at the date in the corner of the screen. It's Wednesday. I don't have much time.
"It won't be hard to find him. He usually hangs around the 'Latriva'. It's a bar and stripper club. Seems like he likes fun."
The man teases.
I roll my eyes at his comment.
"You've got three days. Don't disappoint me, Azumaya."
He hangs up.

Well, that's what I do for a living as you see. I'm an assassin named, Azumaya Junta. I work for a big time 'Master Assassin', that has apparently gotten too old to do this shit himself. My story is pretty straight forward. I went to high school, dropped out and ran away from home, only to be found by him. My boss. Full name, Hikarvi Atto. 48 year old man, around 5'8, and clearly overweight for his age, but that's beside the point. I was broke since I was only 15, so I got offered to become an assassin by him. He was like a father figure to me, though, he never loved me like one. So we had our own paths take place. My parents had trouble staying sober, and after my mother died, my father became a drug addict. I lived in an abusive household from there on. That's why I ran. And now here I am. Killing whoever is an enemy to him. He never tells me the reason why I need to kill off these people, but I never ask, as I don't care. But here is where my story starts, as I never thought that what was about to happen next, was going to change my life, for good.

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