Chapter Five: Taking the Shot.

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  We've been at the café for over an hour now, and it seems as if it is going to close soon. Takato-san can tell I'm hiding something from him, but he'd rather not bother me about it. We've been mostly just talking about our lives, and other small details about ourselves. Takato-san is trying his best to keep our conversation going, as he can tell my mind is occupied with other topics. He keeps asking me questions and I keep responding with simple answers. He soon gives up, and just stares at the hanging lights overhead. I check my watch countless times. It's 7:16 pm.
Five hours...
I groan slightly as I lay my head on the table. Takato-san looks at me quickly with concern.
"Are you alright? I'm sorry, am I boring you..?"
I look up at him quickly, worried that I had upset him.
"What? No! Of course not, Takato-san! I enjoy being here with you. Your company makes me feel comfortable. I've just had a lot of things on my mind.. that's all."
I reach over the table, placing my hand on top of his. Rewarding me with a soft smile from him.
He speaks in a gentle tone. A few more minutes pass of just him and i chatting. I decide to keep my full attention on him. Suddenly a voice speaks out. It isn't any of ours.. but it sounds familiar. I can't tell who it is.
The voice questions from behind. We both turn in its direction and my eyes widen as Takato begins to speak.
He calls in a surprised tone.
I now recognize him. Ayagi Chihiro. He works for Hikarvi as well. I've worked with him before. Ayagi glances at me and he gives off an evil aura.
He grins at me, and I glare at him. This isn't good, he knows about my mission.
Takato just sits silently, while he looks us back and forth. He's obviously confused, not realizing that we knew each other.
"You guys... know each other?"
We both continue to glare at each other. I hate Ayagi. He fucked up our last mission, and we almost got caught. From there on, he enjoyed tormenting me, every. Single. Day.
"Yes. We do."
I say in a bland tone. Ayagi chuckles and pulls up a chair beside Takato. I continue to glare at him as he continues to grin at me.
"How do you two know each other?"
I say to Takato, attempting to sound interested, rather than cautious.
"Oh, we met at the club a year back, and have been hanging out once in a while ever since."
I nod, as Takato smiles at Ayagi, and he returns it. My anger slowly boils. I know that smile is fake. He's here for the same reason I am. I let out a breath to calm down, as I stand from my chair. Takato and Ayagi both look up at me.
"I need to use the restroom."
I walk off, and into the building. Once I reach the restroom, I open the door and stand in front of the sinks, thinking about my situation. A minute or two pass, when the door opens behind me. I don't look back, as I don't care. A voice speaks to me from behind.
"Wow, Azumaya. Going out with the target, are we?"
I groan, as I turn around to face him. He chuckles and walks towards me, causing me to walk backwards, into the counter. His face was close to mine. Too close for my liking.
"You've only got four hours, Azumaya. What are you going to do?"
I glare at him, as I push him away. I turn to face to mirror.
"The boss isn't going to be happy when he finds out you aren't planning on killing the assigned target."
I sigh.
"Who said I wasn't going to kill him?"
I turn to face him.
"Isn't it obvious? You clearly aren't. Why the fuck would you be going out with him then?"
I walk towards him frustrated.
"Obviously I'm not going out with him. I'm doing my job right. I'm working on getting him finished dumbass. I've got time."
He looks at me pissed, as he leans towards me.
"Yeah, little time. So finish it fast. The boss is already frustrated with you because he expected it to be done by this morning."
I turn towards the door, ready to leave but he pulls me back in front of him.
"You know I was sent here because the boss assumed you wouldn't finish the job in time. He sent me to do it for you. You're slowly falling, Azumaya. I'm becoming a higher rank than you. And now, once I finish your job, I'll get praised. And you'll be convicted for his death, once you finally get caught."
I look at him with widen eyes, and pin him onto the wall by his throat.
"If you do anything to that man out there. I'll put a bullet through your god damn skull. Watch yourself Ayagi. Because the only place you're going is hell. Good luck on getting those ranks while you're dead."
I let go of him and he gasps for air. He looks up at me and laughs. I stare at him confused.
"You've fucked up now, Azumaya."
He stands up and leaves the restroom. I watch him leave, and I look at my watch. He's right. I only have four hours left. I suddenly realize that I've left Takato with him, and I rush out of the restroom to find them walking away from the building, and Ayagi leading him into a taxi.
I chase after the car, but it's too fast. I look around and I grab a random motorcycle parked beside the cars near the sidewalk. I get on and start the bike, swerving out onto the street, and after the taxi.

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