Chapter Four: Times Running Out.

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  My eyes slowly flutter open, as I glance around the room, trying to figure out where I am. The room was dark and I was exhausted. I couldn't place my finger on where I was. The room didn't seem familiar. I was definitely not at home.
What the hell happened last night?...
I look down to notice I'm laying on a sofa. I don't own one this colour? My face suddenly goes blank.
Where are my clothes—?
I slowly lift the blanket that was laid across my body, only to find something attached to my chest. My eyes widen. Saijo-san is wrapped around my torso. I feel my face flush red.
Damn it.
I lay back in embarrassment. This was not supposed to happen. My job was to kill him, not sleep with him.
I jump to the sound of my phone going off. Saijo-san looks up at me with groggy eyes. I plant a kiss on his head as an apology for waking him.
"Sorry I need to take this."
I apologize as I stand up and quickly put my pants back on. I see Saijo-san sit up in the corner of my eye as I am leaving the room. I still need to keep an eye on him, for... safety reasons. I have a feeling that the boss is going to send someone to do my job for me if I don't don't complete it soon. I walked out of the room and into the hallway, while closing the door behind me. I look at my phone and I click the answer button. I groan slightly as I place the phone to my ear.
"You really like to take your time, Azumaya."
The man speaks in an annoyed tone.
"My apologies sir. I was... distracted by a few details."
I try to make up a rather convincing excuse.
"I see. Well, update me on your mission."
I sigh slightly, and begin to whisper, hoping Saijo-san doesn't hear me.
"I found him. My plan is just moving a bit— slower than I hope, due to sudden... plans."
My face turns a light shade of pink.
"Is that so? Well, you only have a day left. Finish it quick."
He hung up. I lower my arm and I lean on the door.
I sigh.
I turn my phone back on to check the time. It's 5:04 am. I turn back towards the door, and I slowly open it in case Saijo-san decided to fall back asleep. I know I'm supposed to kill him, but I don't have to be heartless.. unlike every other time— I slowly enter the room to find Saijo-san sitting on the floor, scrolling through social media in an oversized hoodie. I catch myself blushing. He looked cute. I go and sit next to him, as I stare ahead of me, into the dark abyss ahead. A few minutes later, I feel him lay his head on my shoulder, and it feels nice. The feeling kind of makes me feel sad.. I don't want to betray these feelings I've developed. But.. are they even real? I only met him a few hours ago.. they seem fake. It just doesn't make sense. It's only an act.. right? A few more minutes of silence go by until he finally speaks in a quiet voice.
"Who called?"
I suddenly felt a wave of guilt overcome me. I didn't have much time to make up an excuse, so I sort of stuck with the truth.
"My boss."
I slowly put my arm around him as I sighed.
"What did he want at five in the morning?"
He yawned as he spoke to me.
"He was just checking in."
I attempted to avoid the truth, as well as a lie.
Jeez. This guy is nosy.
"Work related stuff. Not really important."
I rested my head lightly on his and yawned.
"Is that why you came here? For work? Were you sent on a mission?"
My words were stolen from me, as I didn't know how to respond.
"AmI your target?"
My eyes widen when he leans closer to me with a serious face. I attempt to speak and argue against his comment, but he begins to laugh.
"I'm just teasing."
He punches me in the shoulder as I let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm not that nosy. I'll leave you and your personal life alone."
I tilt my head in his direction as I begin to glare.
"Says the one who accessed my fucking file and now knows every little detail about me. You creep."
I let out a huff of air as he turns towards me, looking offended by my words.
"I'm the creep? You're the one who fucked a man you just met."
"Oh please. You do that for a living. And that's not creepy."
We both glare at each other.
"Besides. You're the one who forced yourself onto me."
He turns so his body is fully facing me, while his mouth hangs wide open.
"Hey! You pulled me back to you. But it doesn't matter, because you enjoyed it either way."
He shoves my shoulder and smirks at me. I slight chuckle and cross my arms.
"Yeah, I guess."
It goes silent for a few seconds, and then he sighs.
"Well, I guess you weren't TOO bad."
He says playfully.
"Too bad? Oh I'm sorry your highness. Was last night not set to your standards?"
He shrugs and grins.
"Eh.. could have been better."
I smirk as I tackle him to the floor laughing. I pin his wrists next to his head as I lean my face closer to his.
"If you wanted a re-run, you could have just asked, Saijo-san~?"
He tilts his head at me while grinning, and later let's out a sarcastic sigh.
"Well, we don't get kicked out until eight.. so I guess I have some time for child's play. Show me what you got, Azumaya-kun."

  It's around 8:15 am when we leave the club, ready to head home. We both walk through the doors and out of the building, stopping in front. It's silent for a bit until Saijo-san turns to me, hesitating to speak.
"Well, uh.. I guess this is goodbye. For now at least."
He chuckles slightly. The tone of his voice almost sounded as if he was disappointed. I tried to think of an excuse to keep him with me. After all, I do have until midnight to finish him off, so there's no point in leaving him now. Might as well have some fun until then.
"Saijo-san! Wait.. do you maybe want to go get a coffee with me?"
I feel embarrassed. That was stupid. I should have thought of something better, or had just not asked. But it's not like I had much of a choice. He looks at me and begins to chuckle, before grinning.
"Are you asking me on a date, Azumaya-kun?~"
I turn red from embarrassment. And I attempt to argue against his comment.
"What?! N-No, of course not! I just..."
I hide my face in my hands as he walks up to me slowly, while gently pulling my hands away. He looks at me with soft eyes, and then begins to speak.
"I'm just teasing.. besides, I love the reaction you give me. You're cute when your flustered."
He grins at me and i immediately get nervous for some reason.
God.. this man is too much.
"By the way, Azumaya-kun. Call me by my first name."
He winks at me. And I chuckle.
"Sure thing, Takato-san. Would you mind doing the same for me then, love?~"
He gives me an unsatisfied expression.
"Oh? Don't get so cocky now~"
He walks walks up to me, leaning towards me. Our faces being about to inches apart.
"Love? Well, alright. Chunta~"
He quickly kisses me on the cheek and runs off ahead of me giggling. And I stand still in shock as my fingers brush my cheek slightly.
"Hey-! Takato-san!! That's not my— wait!"
I chase after him laughing. This man has the behaviour of a small child.

  We end up spending the entire day together, shopping and just walking around the city. I've gotten to know a lot about this man, and him about me. My job is getting more difficult by the second. Why the hell did I decide to spend time with him? I've fucked up. I few hours after just wandering the mall, we decide to go grab something to eat. We walk along the streets of the city, in search of some sort of café or something. We eventually find a decent café and we sit down at a table on the patio after order a few drinks and food at the counter. I've been feeling anxious the whole time. It's gotten so bad that it hurts. I sit across from Takato-san at the table and he stares at the other buildings and cars. I keep glancing at him and every time I do, I get more nervous. I check the time on my watch. I am well aware that I don't have much time, and it's making me nervous. Takato glances at me, and notices that im feeling uneasy. He reaches across the table and places his hand on top of mine.
"Are you alright, Chunta?"
I look up at him and smile.
"Oh, yes.. I'm alright, thank you."
He seems unconvinced, but leaves me alone.
I check the time again. I've only got 6 hours. Fuck.
Times running out..

Sorry for the delay on Chapter four! I've had absolutely no motivation. This chapter was a bit rushed so I apologize for spelling errors, and if it's just not that good. Chapter five may take a few days, but I will get it published ASAP!! thank you to all who are reading my story! I really appreciate it! Have a fantastic day/night!
-Connor (Author)

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