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Bell rang snapping everyone out of their lil world, it was time to leave so everyone left the classroom except two.

Taehyung was fumbling with his bag trying to zip the chain when he felt a hot breathing over his ears. Gasping he turned around and bumped into a hard chest of a person who wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Easy there jewel."

That voice, he knows that voice by heart, he didn't have to look up to see who it was. The question was 'why was he?'

"W-What ar-are y-you doing?" Tae stuttered as felt him wrapping both his hands around Tae's waist.

"What I wanted to do since the day I saw you in the alley."


Deep in his thoughts he walked through the alley only to stop at a muffled scream. Frowning he turned in that direction he saw someone.

Someone familiar.

"Jungkook?" He gasped as he saw the other fighting with five other boys. It was completely unfair fight.

He was going to call for help when he saw them holding Jungkook by nape and cowering him down blocking his air ways.

His mind went blank and before he could think of anything he eyes went to the iron rod beside him. Taking the iron rod he moved forward by silent yet quick steps and swung it at the boy's neck who was holding Jungkook by nape earning a shrilling scream but he went deaf ears to that and hit the other boy on his knee cap with the same iron rod.

Two were down three more to go, he could see Jungkook was in no condition to help so it was just him and the three, it was a situation of do or die. So he took a deep breath and with a low growl he hit two of them on their iliac crest making them black out due to pain while the third one was a bit challenging. He kept moving around him and suddenly jumped but both of them didn't thought that Tae could do this. He had the iron rod pierced through the boy's abdomen which was now soaking with blood.

With shaky hands he dropped the rod and took some time to think. This area had no C.C.T.V so even if he went out no one will know, but he can't leave them injured here, including Jungkook, nor he can take them. So he took the phone from one of the boys and dialed hospitals number, without delay he pushed the phone towards Jungkook who was watching his moves since the start, he got what Tae wanted and spoke with them.

Sighing Tae stood up and kept the phone beside Jungkook. Knowing the ambulance will be here soon he got ready to get out, but before going he moved near Jungkook who was watching him with hawk eyes. Just like how Taehyung wanted. He moved his hands near Jungkook taking his attention on them and started moving his fingers in chain type motion.

"You don't know me."

"You don't know my name."

"I am your savior."

"You Don't Know Me. You Don't Know My Name. I Am Your Savior."

He chanted the words for seven times and suddenly snapped infront of Jungkook who just blinked in confusion.

"Huh! Wai-who are you? at least tell me your name!" But Tae went deaf ears to his shouts and walked away.

Missing how the boy's lips curved up at the corner, or his twinkling eyes with mischief in darkness.

Flashback over-

"Wha-how!" Tae gasped at surprise that his hypnotism failed. Jungkook chuckled darkly at the surprised face. Leaning closure to other's face till his breath was fanning against other's lips.

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