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JOE'S P.O.V.: I woke up abruptly in the middle of the night. Sweat covered all my forehead and back. Sophie grabbed my hand.

Sophie: a nightmare again?

Joe: yes

Sophie: third time this week. Joe you can't live like that. You have that nightmare since a month ago (I nodded and shook my head)

Joe: I'll figure a solution out

Sophie: will you go back to sleep? (I glanced at the time. 5:34 am)

Joe: no, I'll go for a run

Sophie: now?

Joe: yes

Sophie: okay, take a look at Willa and Peyton before leaving

Joe: sure, sleep well baby (I kissed her forehead and left the bed)

Willa and her baby brother Peyton were sleeping still. So I changed my clothes and left the house silently at 5:45 am. The sun was starting to rise. It was summer and there was no one around the avenue. I put my headphones on and started running. Today was the 19th time I had the same nightmare in a month. I told Sophie it was a nightmare about us having a big fight and our daughters getting lost. That way she would understand my fear and sadness everytime I had a bad night. But it wasn't the truth.

The nightmare was about Demi. Demi Lovato, famous singer, old time friend, past lover. She was the star of my nightmare. Everytime the dream started, she was standing in the green grass with flowers all around her feet. She had a white short dress and she was about 17 years old. Same dark hair, same big smile and cute rosy cheeks. There she was. Smiling happily, dancing on the grass without music, looking like the realest angel anyone could ever imagine. And then she would turn her back at me before fainting. I would run to her and found her on the grass wearing the same dress but painted with blood. She had her eyes bloody red, she had tears rolling down her cheeks. Cheeks that were all beaten. She had broken lips and was going out of breath. But this time she was about 27. I would shake her to try to her eyes opened and she would beg me to don't let her go. Then I was grabbed by some hands and moved away from her, just to see her dye in front of me and begging for help. Her skin would go pale, her eyes would stop moving and a tear would roll down her cheek as she whispered 'please'.

That was the nightmare. It was in my mind every second of the day and I dreamed it at least three times a week. It was horrible and I didn't know what to do. Tired of having that stupid nightmare all the time. I grabbed my phone and stopped running. I went straight to Instagram and looked for Demi's sister Maddie's profile.

'hey Maddie, it's Joe here. I have been having the most dark nightmare involving Demi for about a month. I just need to know how's her. I'm worried for her. Hope you can help me with an answer. Bye xoxo'

After sending the text, I looked at the time. It was 6:48. Nick was probably awake so I ran to his house. He was awake and let me in his house. He was practicing yoga alone in front of his pool.

Nick: same nightmare? (I nodded)

Joe: I sent Maddison a text, I hope she replies

Nick: Demi's sister? (I nodded) she probably will

Joe: I'm worried for her

Nick: it's Demi, she's probably going strong in her recovery, you know her (I nodded and tried to convince myself of it) want breakfast?

Joe: sure (we had breakfast outside beside the pool and around an hour later, I got an Instagram notification)

Nick: is it Maddison?

Joe: I don't wanna look at it (he shrugged and grabbed my phone opening the text I got from Instagram)

Nick: it's her (he started reading a text and after a few minutes, he left my phone on the table before standing up)

Joe: what happened? (I asked worried)

Nick: read the text

Joe: no, I'm scared Nick, I-

Nick: read the fucking text Joe! (I grabbed my phone and unlocked it finding a long text)

'Joe. I don't really know what to say to you. I don't really think of it as a coincidence. You asked me about Demi. Demi's not in town. She left around a month, more precisely two weeks and a month ago. She decided to move to Europe to shoot a movie. She had a problem on the set and left the movie. She was mad and sad. She cut contact with us after saying she would stay in Europe all the next month to have a vacation alone. She was in Amsterdam and Ibiza. We don't know anything about her since a month ago. She said she'll be back in town tomorrow's night. Nothing else. No one has seen her either. We're worried. More now that we know about your dream. I hope the nightmare had a good ending at least. I'll let you know if I know something more. Bye xoxo'

Joe: she needs me (I said to Nick and he gulped)

Nick: Maddie said that something happened on set and she left the movie. What if she relapsed and they kicked her out of the movie? (I bit my lip and felt tears in my eyes)

Joe: I need to find out what's going on with her. She keeps asking for help Nick.

Nick: maybe she has nothing to do with you Joe, maybe your head created it and she's having the best vacation ever (we nodded staring at each other) do you have her address?

Joe: no

Nick: you're gonna need it (I nodded and sent Maddie another text)

'Maddie, I need Demi's address. Just in case something happens'.

Some minutes ago, I got a text with it.

Joe: she lives 5 minutes from here

Nick: closer to your house?

Joe: (I shook my head) closer to yours, but I need to check on her as soon as she comes back from Europe

Nick: yeah, you do


Happy to introduce you the first chapter of this story. Please comment and vote for more. Love you all.

Unchangeable Fate ~ Jemi Where stories live. Discover now