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JOE'S P.O.V.: I woke up abruptly again in the middle of the night and controlled my sound so I didn't wake Sophie up again. It was 5:59 am. I moved out of bed slowly, checked on Willa and Peyton and left the house to go for another run. The nightmare didn't let me have a good sleeping night again. It was starting to feel like I needed to do something. I needed to see Demi, in fact. But she wasn't in town until this afternoon.

I sighed and sat on a bench at the park. It was sunrise, again. I grabbed my phone and looked for her Instagram profile. Nothing there. Nothing anywhere. I looked for her in Google hoping to see new photos of her. Nothing anywhere.

I was convinced by the feeling in my stomach that something happened to Demi. That she somehow was communicating with me over a dream. Or maybe I was just paranoid about something that wasn't real. Either way, I needed an answer.

After taking a break at the park, I looked for Sophie's contact and sent her a text.

'Hey babe, good morning, I had another bad dream and went for a run. Nick ran with me and asked me to go to a boys day today. We'll go to a spa and stay the day at that hotel. Don't worry, it's a man's spa. No women touching your boo. I love you, Willa and Peyton. See you tonight. xoxo'

I looked for Nick's contact and sent him a text too.

'See you at the Riverside hotel after lunch. Gotta plan everything about Demi. Don't forget about it please, I need company.'

I headed to that hotel after buying myself some clothes for the night. I rented a room for one, took a bath and changed to my new clothes. I checked myself in the mirror and noticed how old I was getting by the crinkles in my face.

Joe: you used to be a heartbreaker and now all you can break is your fucking bones cause you're old as fuck, old as fuck (I chuckled and sat on the bed as a wave of memories went through my mind)


X: hey, come with me

Joe: no, it's too cold

X: come with me Joseph...please? (She made a puppy face and I nodded taking my t-shirt and jeans off) oh my god you're so so so perfect. Look at that fucking body, I'm dead (we laughed and she took her dress off revealing her black bra and panties)

Joe: okay, you better run or I'll catch you and you wouldn't want that (she smiled and ran to the sea)

X: no baby! (She screamed and I picked her up while we both laughed. I got under the water with her and when we got out she kissed me passionately) I love you

Joe: I love you even more (she smiled and ran out of the water)

End of flashback

Joe: I used to be a heartbreaker and young (I whispered and some knocks on the door brought me back to reality)

I walked to the door and opened it to find Nick on the other side. He had a black bag on his bag and sunglasses on.

Joe: okay, what does this mean? (I said pointing to him)

Nick: we're gonna need stuff if we wanna be successful with the plan

Joe: right, come in (he walked into the room and started taking out the things of the bag)

There was two burgers with fries, a bottle of water, two beers, a mini mic and a mini camera. I was surprised to see all of that but chuckled at it.

Nick: what? (I shrugged) I wanna see her and know about her too

Joe: yeah, I guess I figured it out

Nick: we're gonna connect the mic and the cam to my phone so I can see and hear everything, right?

Joe: right, and the food?

Nick: for our lunch bro (I nodded and motioned to the table on the balcony)

Joe: let's eat then, Demi will be home in about two hours, so we can eat before I go

Nick: what if you mess up?

Joe: Nick, I won't. I just wanna see her, I need to know if she needs my help

Nick: what if she doesn't?

Joe: I'll walk out of her life again

Nick: and if she needs you?

Joe: umm...then I think I'll have to stick around (he small smiled) what?

Nick: you...I mean, you when it comes to Demi. Not that I think you don't love Sophie but...it was nice to see you with Demi when we were young, you two seemed...inseparable (I nodded and shrugged)

Joe: you seemed it too so...

Nick: but it was different. I don't think I ever saw you as happy as you were with her

Joe: right, and I bet you never saw her as broken as she was with me

Nick: what happened to Demi wasn't your fault at all and you should know that

Joe: we were fucking 16 years old and I took her to parties and stuff that she wasn't ready for

Nick: you didn't give her any drug or drink Joe

Joe: but I didn't stop her from consuming them neither...and I should've (I said and started to feel my eyes wet)

Nick: that doesn't matter anymore Joe, you're still taking care of her, and that's what truly matter...come on bro, we have food waiting for us to eat it (he said palming mi back)

We headed outside and ate watching the sea from the top of the hotel. I could see Demi's house from the balcony. It was empty still cause the lights were off.

Nick: she's not gonna open de door

Joe: I'll figure something out

Nick: and what if that doesn't work?

Joe: I won't leave her house without the chance to see her at least 3 minutes

Nick: okay then, I'll be here if you need my help

Joe: oh Nick, believe me, she'd rather see me than you and I'm 100% sure about it

Nick: fine (we laughed and I looked at her house)

Joe: I hope you want to see me as much as I want to see you (I whispered while my brother heard a voice message on his phone)

Unchangeable Fate ~ Jemi Where stories live. Discover now