1. Stand By You

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<Katsuki won second place in a competition and is taking it hard.
No-quirks, Uni-student
Architecture major>

You enter his room knowing exactly how much he'll want to be alone right now. It's always like that with you two. Whenever there is a situation, both of you retreat into your shell but you know that the other will come. Even if it's just to sit beside you. And now was your turn. No matter what happens, you knew he needed you and you weren't going to back away.

No sir.

'He isn't the only one who can shout.' you tell yourself, preparing to even fight him to stay with him.

You slowly walk in but you find the room empty and hear the water running in the toilet. So you close the door and  patiently sit on bean bag by his table.

A couple of minutes later he walks out with damp hair, wearing his baggy pant and signature loose black tank top.

'Why does that tank top have to look so damn hot all the time?!'

"What the hell are you doing in my room...? " He sounded exhausted, in contrast to his usual shouting and annoyance.

"I was worried for my boyfriend."  You can see his stress in his form. This affected him worse than you had thought. There was barely any resistance to your support.

"I don't need you to worry about me, dumbass." he says, letting out as a sigh.

'No shouting. Fuck. This is bad.'

"I know." You walk up to him and give him a quick peck on his cheeks. "Wanna continue watching one piece? Or maybe something relaxing like attack on titans?"

Katsuki didn't say anything and looked away with a 'tch'. Smiling, you set up his laptop and arrange his pillows. You don't wait for his words as you start pulling the covers over yourself, getting comfortable, leaving enough space for the man.

After a while, he joined you and looked at the screen playing one piece. He didn't question it. He loved the anime but could not focus at all and you knew it.

Now you had two options, push him to talk and deal with multiple deadly explosions or wait for him to form his thoughts and then talk when he's ready. As urgent as the situation was, to get his stress and agitation down, you had to be patient. So leaning on the head rest, you two quietly watched the show. Or at least pretended to until he was ready.

"It's not fair..." It was such a soft voice that you would've missed it if you weren't being hyper alert. You don't turn the show off but you turn to look at him.

Katsuki looked intently as the screen but you knew he wasn't paying attention. He's face held pain rather than stress, eyes looking so far away with despair. His form completely relaxed as if it had given up. It broke you.

"I worked all my life to be the best. I studied for nights. I practiced for hours. I kept to my routine to get this right, for fuck's sakes. But then some prodigal son comes from abroad and suddenly he's better than me. How?! If he's as good as this, then he did work like me right? Then how the fuck is he's work seen and appreciated but mine is questioned and neglected?" A tear runs down his cheek but it goes unnoticed as he continues. "I know I'm not the best with words but I did work dammit! Doesn't that show?? Haven't I shown any of my capability? Am I really so fucking bad...?"

You wanted to cry hearing his shaky voice. He wasn't saying the other guy didn't deserve it, he was asking for his own credit. He questioned his own worth at this point and that broke something in you. You could spent hours talking of how good a person he was and brilliance in architecture was mind blowing but during the competition, someone said something about his work being mediocre, work of a rich brat who got 2nd by influencing.

Bakugou Katsuki x reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin