chapter 1: the start of the beginning

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Mori PoV:

it was the evening of the first day of the final week of middle school, and me and my friend group decided to meet up at a local café to talk about our plans, and what we could do for the end, but of course, some of us began a conversation while waiting for the others

-"so, where will you all go to high school?" asked Murasa one of the people in my friend group, she wanted to be an artist and she was probably the most serious one out of this group, and she was usually the one stopping us from doing anything stupid, her quirk was paint: it allowed her to change any inanimate material she held into paint of the same color as the material

/"I don't know, probably the local police school" said Motsure, he wanted to be a police officer, since his quirk was more suited for capturing than fighting, he is a pretty laid-back guy and a procrastinator, meaning I was surprised that he was here on time, but he can do his part of the job properly if he feels like it, his quirk is Net: it allows him to launch his hand and transform it into a tight net, made of highly durable material, any  damage made to the net, doesn't change over to his hand, but he can still feel the pain of it

-"of course, why did I even ask Murasa replied facepalming lightly

/"and let me take a wild guess, you will go to an art school" Motsure said in a mocking tone

-"oh wow, how did you know?" Murasa said sarcastically

/"see? im not the only predictable one here!" he said, slightly raising his voice

in the meantime, I try my best not to burst out laughing over their arguing

-"hey, Mori, how about you? where will you go?"  Murasa asked me, and Motsure was going to tell her to get back on point, before turning his head over to me, obviously wondering the same thing

="Well... lets just say there is this famous hero school nearby-"

/"ooh, youre going to try to get into UA eh?" Motsure said, and I just nodded in response

/"well, dont get your hopes up too high, I know several people that tried to get in and failed miserably" at first I thought he was just joking in order to scare me a bit, but then I saw a serious expression on his face, which, not going to lie, made me nervous quite a bit

-"come on Motsure, you can be just trying to lower her ego a bit, but she is still our friend, we should be cheering for her to make it" Murasa scolded him a bit for saying that, and I just chuckled before seeing the rest of the group coming over to the benches we were sitting at

/"took you long enough" Motsure exclaimed

;"im so sorry for being so late, but it took me forever to convince him to go outside for once" said Ikimo, the loudest and most extroverted one of us, his quirk is animalia (or how we love to call it: monkey see, monkey do) if he sees an animal, whether it is in person or on a picture with the effect lasting longer if its in person, he can then transform himself into said animal for a short time the side effect being that if he transforms too many times, he temporarily loses his human mind, and he acts just like the last animal he transformed to, and I was happy to see him here, but I was shocked to see who was behind him

:"the only reason I'm here is because you woke me up with your constant baboon screeching Ikimo!" said Nero, the smartest one of us, but that was all thanks to his quirk: clarity, he is smarter than an average person and his brain works fast enough to understand everything he is told faster than average, this ability is stronger the more sleep he gets, he is great at planning things, but that skill is nearly never used

they sat down at a bench right next to ours, before I started to speak

="so, as we all know, the end of the school year is only a couple days away, so  I wanted to bring us all together so we can decide how to celebrate, do any of you have an idea of what to do?" I said, looking around only to find out that everyone was thinking  before Ikimo spoke up as the first one

;"how about we just throw a party? I know its a bit too normal, but if no one can think of anything else, then its not the worst ideawe all nodded in agreement, when Nero spoke up, which surprised everyone, because we thought he was still mad at Ikimo

:"maybe you're right, its not the worst idea, but you are also right that its normal, so we can improve it in our own way, I suggest having a party and then sleeping over at whoever's house the party was at" we all agreed that it was a good idea, but he usually came up with better ones, and his reasoning was: "this guy didn't let me sleep" while pointing at Ikimo

we all chuckled before we started debating on whose house will the sleepover party be at, and everyone had a reason to decline, except me, meaning that the decision was pretty fast, I just responded with:

="well if my old man is okay with it, then I don't see why not, speaking of which, I have to go, my father needs me to show him back to our house from the harbor, since he should be getting back soon" I said, checking whether I didn't accidentally drop something

/"aight, tell us the result afterwards" Motsure said, as everyone waved at me while I was leaving

While on my way to the harbor I was filled with excitement, since I haven't seen him in around a week, and worry, because he might've gotten seriously injured out there, but at this point, I was too used to this feeling, since this happened every time he was coming back home from the sea and by the time I got over the feeling I was at the harbor where I waited for my fathers boat

time skip, brought by a tired author

after around 10 minutes I saw a decently large fish boat dock into the harbor, and a tall, pretty old man got off of the boat, and I instantly recognized him, it was of course, my father, he turned to me and walked over while he was saying:

#"well if it isn't my daughter!"

I just ran over to hug him as the rest of the crew also got off the boat, while also carrying the things they found floating at sea, and the fish they caught

after we got home and I welcomed my dad back home, I told him what happened so he can understand what happened while he wasn't home

="oh right, I nearly forgot, my friends also asked if they could come over for a party and a sleepover this week, since we want to celebrate"

#"of course! I would be more than happy to see them again!"

I just nodded and thanked him before going back to my room, taking my phone out and opening the group chat where I saw the missed messages, where they were just asking me whether I already got a response from my dad, and I responded with

"My dad said he would be more than happy that you all can sleep over later on, I am pretty sure he may be even just as excited as the rest of us"

I felt  really tired after that, the sun has already set, and I had quite the tiring school day, so I got changed to my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and went to sleep for the day

word count: 1319

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