chapter 2: celebration and preparation

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(this part happens a couple of days after the first one)

Mori's PoV:

it was the end of middle school, we were all meeting up a bit earlier in the evening than last time, this time though everyone made it on time, and we chatted about all the goofy and funny things we did throughout the school year,  and how we expect our high school lives to be if we all get accepted into our high schools

by the time we were about to get to me and what I expect from UA, we arrived at my house, so I walked in, let everyone inside, and told everyone to put their stuff down in my room, since that is where we will all be sleeping probably, everyone (except Nero) has been in my house before, so they all told him where to go, while I was preparing the celebration along with my dad

#"you guys sure are an interesting bunch" dad said while getting some bowls of snacks for us, while I was just preparing decorations

="yeah, but that's better than being normal" I replied, looking back to see that everyone had already gotten back from my room

="oh, you're back earlier than expected" I said

/"how long did you expect it to take? half an hour?" Motsure replied, a bit arrogant

="I know you well enough that yes, that's what I expected, I'm actually kind of surprised you didn't tell us to do it later" I replied, chuckling a bit to myself, and Ikimo and Murasa were obviously trying their best not to laugh out loud

Motsure looked really angry, and he probably would've done something if my dad wasn't there with us

="either way, if you all want you can help set everything up, because it ain't all ready yet" I said looking over to see Ikimo and Murasa agree to help out, while Motsure and Nero just went back to my room to do their own thing I'm guessing

Time skip

after around 20 minutes everything was set up for our celebration, so we called the 2 boys back down here so we could have a proper celebration, and after a minute or two, both of them were back here with us

after that, we at first were doing the normal party things like playing music and dancing, and afterwards, my dad wanted to join in, by telling some stories he heard from his fellow crewmates on the boat when they were still at sea, and singing shanties that they sung on their boat, and it made me happy to see that everyone was enjoying this so far, sadly, it was slowly but surely starting to get really late, but before we went to change to our sleeping clothes, we had a toast, with us having some sort of sweet drink, and my dad was having ale, since he liked alcohol quite a bit

we wished each other good luck on our entrance exams, and my dad good luck when out at sea, before cheering pretty loudly, and finishing our drinks, we then said good night to my dad and got back to my room,  we decided that us girls will change to sleepwear in my room while the boys could either change in the bathroom, or wait for us to be done changing, they decided to change in the bathroom

after that, we just talked a little bit before going to sleep

Morning, time- 8:27

I woke up, a bit later than most of us, except Nero, who usually slept until around 10 AM so none of us were surprised, but we just made breakfast, since dad was still sleeping, probably because he stayed awake for an hour or two after we went to sleep, and we casually chatted over breakfast, then everyone changed back to their casual attire, of course, the boys and girl seperated, this time the boys changing in the room because of Nero, and then everyone packed up, and by that point in time, Nero finally woke up, and did the same things before leaving as well

I just then watched TV until my dad woke up at around 10:21 AM, and I was casually enjoying being out of middle school before my dad reminded me:

#"Dont you have those entrance exams in a couple of days?"

I could feel my mood turning for the worse, both due to being nervous, and due to having to study for the written part of the entrance exam, but I just watched TV for 30 more minutes, before shutting it off, and going to study, but several times during studying, I spaced out and thought about what we will even be doing if I get accepted into UA, and what types of people I will meet there, and it took my father calling me for lunch to snap me back to reality

#"you seem kind of nervous, is everything okay?" asked my dad, while eating his food

="oh, yeah im okay, its just that, it really makes a person nervous to try to get accepted at the most famous school in the country" I said, releasing a nervous chuckle, as my dad tried to raise the mood by cheering me on, I then thanked him, finished my food and went back to my room to not only study, but also create a weapon so that I would be prepared to fight in case I had to, and after around 30 minutes of pondering what to make. I decided on gauntlets, because a full on weapon would probably be worse, and since gauntlets were technically also armor. But I still had hours of studying ahead of me, maybe I would have to pull an all-nighter tonight because of preparations, either that or I would have to cut it close with time, or I would go without breaks.

after around 3 hours of studying, I asked my dad whether we had some sort of material that I could create a weapon out of, and he was at first confused about why I was going to make a weapon out of all things I could craft, but I explained and he told me that there might be something useful in the storage room, before getting some sheets of aluminium he bought for me so that I could make things out of them. Then I went into our garage, where we had a work table on which I tried to bend the aluminium and cut it into smaller shapes so that it was possible to make a gauntlet out of it, and after around 6 hours of work, I was getting tired, so I went to sleep, and in the morning, after getting ready for the day, I finished working on it. I named the gauntlets: thunderclap, which I thought fit them, so I showed my work to my dad, who was amazed that I actually made them without giving up halfway through

="well? what do you think dad?" I said, with the gauntlets equipped on my hands, and since aluminium was a conductive metal, I could even produce waves of lightning out of them

#"Well, if I'm being honest, I think it looks great for the first thing you made in around 2 years" he said, and that made me actually very happy, and gave me enough confidence, that I was thinking that my acceptance to UA was basically guaranteed at this point, but I shouldve probably kept my confidence down, because I didnt want to get extremely sad if I were to fail, but since I was working on the gauntlets for most of the day, I felt like I needed a break, so I set them down on my rooms table, and just rested for the rest of the day

Word count: 1281

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