V.3; Part 15

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V.3; Part 15: A Visit to Napa.

Napa, Florida.

"Rome, just dont do anything stupid. I get what you are saying that its strange she injested that much Lead but c'mon and think about it...you told me the clubhouse is back normal. Who would intentionally hurt her" Franny said driving down a dark world as she was on the phone with her baby brother.

"I dont know but I am packing right now to head to meet with Azeria daddy to go and see an old friend who may can help. I promise you sis I will behave." He said as she laughed knowing her brother never keeps that promise. They exchanged "I love you's" and she hung up as she turned onto a bridge where she saw a black car with the hazard lights on.

She sighed, "A sheriffs job is never done." She slowly pulled up to park her squad car and she hopped out. She saw a body standing around the hood and asked, "Hey do you need any help?"

"Oh My God Sheriff Grand. I cannot get my car to start. Can you check it out for me?" The man stated as Sheriff Grand walked around the hood as the man did ask, "Hey but before this I got a question"

"Whats that?" She asked as she turned her face to face the man as he replied, "Kece says Hello."

"Who is Kece?" She asked confused as he smirked and answered, "A woman who would do whatever for her pride and joy." He swiftly pulled out a 9 mm gun and before she could react he shot her right between the eyes and her body fell to the ground as he quickly slammed the hood and hopped into the car. He pulled off and grabbed his burner phone. He dialed up Kece and she answered, "Is it done?"

"Her Aunt is leaking from her forehead as we speak. What about the bombs?"

"Joie is there now setting them up.  I am following Michaela's brother to WeHo. Ill handle him. Get back to Oakland. Ill need you at my side, Deacon." She said before hanging up.


Oakland, California....12 hours later.

Cairo turned the corner with his heart racing and his eyes damn near bulging out of his skull. His phone on his lap as it rung and it was another call he was gonna decline. He left that hospital frantically and against Michaela and Rome's wishes but he was on that phone when he heard that explosion and he needs to know if Manny made it out of that house.

As he came up he saw news vans, ambulance , and firefighters all right outside his dad now burned down home where Firefighters was still spraying water. He parked down the road and hopped out. He went to moving fast down the sidewalk as his phone buzzed away in his hand. He looked at it and saw a photo of him and Izzy in Garlandia. He pressed decline as he made his way onto the street where neighbors gathered at the yellow tape as he made his way to the front making it clear to people it was his house. With all the noise going on around him it was if it was quiet as a church during a prayer. He was focused on examining to see where the fuck Manny was. He looked over and saw the house in shambles...it was not once the pretty home it once was.

"CAIRO!" He heard as his world unpaused and  his eyes opened wide as he saw Manny sitting on the back of an ambulance with a slinky on. He swiftly went under the yellow tape and ran over towards him and without any thought he placed both hands on his face and gasped, "I-I thought you were dead. I drove all the way here thinking you were dead and I wouldnt get to tell you that"

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