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                         -No ones POV-

"Come on, let's go!" A leader's voice said. "Wait up! I'm trying to go slow okay? This trip to the cave is.. Tall" Another person stated. "I can stay behind with you Firey!" There was a group of five people heading up a mountain, Pin, Coiny, Firey, Leafy, and Needle. "Pin you're the only one ahead of us, I'm trying to save my energy for when we get inside the cave." Needle told Pin. "Oh- ok" Pin was already at the top of the mountain, at the entrance of the cave waiting for us. She saw Leafy suddenly running for Firey. She grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "FIREY YOU ALMOST WALKED OFF THE PATH, WHERE THE CLIFF IS?!" "Oh. I uh- Iwaswalkingwithmyeyesclosed" "WHY- Nevermind-" They all eventually reached the entrance of the cave.

"Woah, this cave is cool! There's a lot of crystals and stuff" Coiny observed. "Yeah!" Leafy half shouted in reply. "Is that a lake?" Pin noticed, Needle ran over to it while the others followed. "OOO I WANNA GO IN IT!" "Pin no- I could be one of those boiling hot lakes or something." "Oh shut up Firey-" While Firey was trying to convince Pin not to go in the water, Coiny, Needle, and Leafy were actually looking at the water. "The water looks colorful, should I touch it?" Leafy asked. "No Leafy- don't. Same to you, Coiny, It could damage your skin." The three looked over at Firey and Pin arguing about not going in the water. "JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T GO IN THE WATER DOESN'T MEAN I CA-" "GUYS." Needle shouted at both of them, "NO ONE IS GOING IN THE WATER" "O- okay-" Pin replied, in a sorta state of shock. "How- how about we come back to this later? Let's go explore more, do you four want to?" Fiery asked. They all agreed and started exploring the more crystalish parts of the cave.

They were just looking around that area for a bit until Firey asked, "Wait where's Coiny-" "I'M UP HERE!" Coiny jumped down from a big crystal on the top of the cave and basically tackled Firey. "AAAA- COINY GET OFF ME-" Pin had just come into the area where Coiny and Firey were fighting. "Hey guys I found another la-" Coiny accidentally pushed Firey into the water, only for a second so he didn't die. But he seemed in pain. "COINY WHAT THE HELL?!" Needle shouted, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO HIM." "I- I didn't mean to, I swear!" Coiny, in his shaky voice, replied. "NEEDLE YOU DIDN'T NEED TO SHOUT AT HIM LIKE THAT!" Pin was saying, defending Coiny. "OH I HAD EVERY RIGHT TO SHOUT AT HIM, HE-" "Can you guys please not yell at each other-?" Leafy asked, but they didn't hear her. While they were arguing, and Leafy trying to stop the yelling, Firey left. Leafy turned to check on Firey, and saw he was gone. "WH- WHAT?! WHERE'D HE-" Leafy was concernedly saying. "Wait, what do you mean 'where'd he-'?" Needle turned to where Firey was, also seeing he was gone. "WHAT." Coiny and Pin also turned to see he was gone, the both also being surprised.

Firey hid, because he didn't like the yelling, and because he felt like he was starting to go blind and not wanting to worry the others. But, he heard footsteps close by. "Firey?!" He had just realized.. That he was screaming in pain. They all found him, so he hid himself in a small corner. "Firey! Are- are you okay..?" Leafy asked, only her being there and no one else. "It hurts.." Firey stated in a partly weak voice. "I didn't know it would hurt for that long, I can get you something to cover your face-" "LEAFY. I- I CAN'T SEE. IT- IT HURTS-" "W- what..?!" There were more footsteps, and when Firey screamed in pain again, it was louder than the first time. "FIREY?!" Pin screamed his name. Pin, Needle, and Coiny came to where Firey and Leafy were at.

"FIREY! Are you okay?! I'm sorry for doing that-" Coiny asked worriedly. "I CAN'T SEE." "WHAT-?!" Everyone was shocked. "Ok that's it. Turn around." Leafy demanded from Firey. He hesitated, but slowly turned. "Wh- WHAT?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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