The Culture

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Guided by moonlight

Spilling from the shadows

Predawn mania commences

Dancing silhouettes unveiled by streetlight,

Curtains part to spectate the welcomed ruckus.

Energetic drumming coaxed gyrating hips,

Paint, mud and oil smeared bodies in fervour

Steelpans clang in harmony

As bands of colours trot downstage.

Molasses-slicked devils dragged by

Lock and chained waists as they

Wildly dance despite restraints.

Telltale stilts alert all

Of the Moko Jumbie.

Necks crane in wonder

At his backbends and jigs.

Bodies hang off balconies

Offering money as tribute.

Alcohol stained breaths

Intoxicate the air,

The crowd sways

As mas is made.

An audience gathers,

The gayelle is filled.

The men begin their carray.

Bois crack and flambeaus flicker,

Chantwells are sung and bongos roll

Spectators call for blood to spill.

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