Chapter 10

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I called Bonnie, Jenna, Margaret, Lily and Care. They all agreed to coming at eight. Damon came upstairs and said that all the guys agreed to eight as well. Everything was set for tonight.

~~~Damon's Pov.~~~

Elena is pregnant! This is great. The plan is hopefully going to work. Once he learns that she's pregnant he'll have no choice but to turn it back on. I hope Elena can forgive me for using our child, which hasn't even been born yet as a tool to get my brother back. But she doesn't necessarily have to find out. Right?

The doorbell rang. Everyone was here!

"I'll get it!" I heard Elena say enthusiastically.

"Hi!" I heard everyone greeting Elena while I quickly finished setting the table. We all exchanged a quick hello, and we sat down.

"So... What exactly is this Dinner for?" Asked Vampire Barbie.

"Can't I just want to invite friends over and cook them dinner?" I asked totally not sounding believable.

"Umm, no. Now seriously, what's going on Elena?" Asked Bon-Bon.

"You'll find out soon enough!" She said smiling.

We went through all the courses, and it was finally time for Elena and I to bring out dessert! There were some weird faces as dessert was brought out.

"What is this?" Asked Klaus. Don't ask why I invited him, because I didn't, apparently he's not to bad at the 'good guy' thing and Barbie brought him.

"Think about it guys, why would I be serving you baby food." She said emphasizing the word baby. God, I still couldn't believe that I was going to have a child with the love of my life!

"This can't be possible..." Spoke out Jenna, finally someone found out! Everyone except for Alaric, Klaus and Barbie immediately caught on!

"What?" They said in almost unison. And then Klaus finally caught on.

"Wait, what? This isn't possible. Damon, the eternal stud, having a child with Elena, the saint?" Someone had to say it and for some reason I didn't really mind that it was Klaus who officially broke the news.

"OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD! Our best friend is pregnant!" Barbie and Bon-Bon both scram in unison.

Everyone cheered until Alaric spoke.

"Not that I'm not really happy for you, which I am, but How is this even possible?"

"Well, my fiancé, here pulled a few strings with a witch that owed him, and well, we're having a kid!"

"Elena I'm so happy for you!" Caroline said hugging her.

After everybody congratulated us, the girls went to our room, and the guys and I stayed downstairs.

"I just honestly never saw this happening." Alaric said.

"What do you mean?" I was confused now.

"Well, three years ago she practically hated you. Now you are engaged and having a baby." True.

"Yeah, I honestly never saw the eternal stud settling down!" Oh Stefan.

"The eternal stud has retired. I'm sorry, but that's what falling in love does to you." I said as I went to the kitchen to get another beverage.

It seemed as if Bonnie was waiting there for me.

"Can I help you, Bon-Bon?"

"Is this a joke?"

"Wait, what?"

"There is no power great enough nor is there a spell to get a vampire pregnant."

"Wait, what?!" I said repeating myself "Bon-Bon, you have some explaining to do!"

Chloe Salvatore (A damon and elena fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now