Chapter 3-Oh, I'm Gay

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You gasped and sat up, for a moment you forgot where you were. After looking around you realized you were in Miss Peregrine's room. "Fifty seven minutes and twenty two seconds." You looked over to see Miss Peregrine at a nearby desk. She was holding up her pocket watch. "Are you alright, dear?"

"Were you timing how long I slept?" She just gave you a worried look. You sighed. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a bad dream."

"Care to enlighten me?"


You went over everything, in great detail. Though when you got to the part where she died you skipped over the part where you killed her. "I see. What an odd dream. Or nightmare, I suppose." You groaned and leaned back in the bed, covering your face with your hands.

"Why must bad things happen to nice people who just want normal lives?"

"I'd hardly call your life normal. You're peculiar, just like me and your friends. And why on earth would someone want to be normal when they could float or get anything they want just by drawing it? Everything good has a flaw or two."

"I just..." You trailed off, wondering how to word it. "We'll live in this loop forever, the same day, over and over again. Never dying if we never leave. It's hard to imagine, people being able to actually find someone they can be happy with for an eternity like Olive and Enoch. I just wanted something like that..."

"Oh Y/n, I wouldn't worry. People find and join loops all the time. And we could always visit other loops once in a while too. But you have lifetimes to wait and I'm sure there's someone out there for you."  As she spoke Miss Peregrine walked over and sat on the side of the bed.

"That's what I thought too. But I just ended up hurt, in more ways than one." She took your hand to make you look at her.

"And if that ever happens  again, I'll always be here to kill another boy for you." Maybe you shouldn't have grinned at that, but you did.

You sat up and leaned over to hug her. "Thank you, for everything." She just hummed and laid back in the bed with you still in her arms. Before she knew it, you'd fallen asleep. So she just smiled and pulled the blanket over the two of you before falling asleep herself.


Two months had passed since the Alex incident. Now you sat on a couch in the parlor reading. Both Emma and Miss Peregrine were there as  well. Em was reading and Miss P was playing chess  with herself. You all sat in comfortable silence until you muttered something under your breath.

"What was that?" Miss Peregrine looked over at you.

"Oh it's nothing, just the main character in this book is really oblivious."

"How so?" Now Emma looked up to hear about it.

"Well it's about a girl named Rose who's trying to find love. So she goes on dates with all these guys. But who's there for her throughout the entire book? Her best friend, Jaidyn. They're perfect for each other, but it's out of the question due to their existing relationship." You sighed.

"Well Rose is certainly missing out."



You were outside with Emma, Enoch, and Olive later the same day. They were talking about something gory Emma had read. But you paid them no mind as your gaze was directed at Miss Peregrine who was talking to Fiona about something.

"Oooo! Y/n's staring at Miss Peregrine! Emma teased you. "It's kind of like your book. Out of the question?"

"Em, what the heck?! I'd never- I- I was just zoning out!"

"You know she can feel it when you stare at her." Enoch pointed out. "Don't look now, but she's looking over here." Well you looked, of course you did. She just smiled at you and you smiled back before turning back to Enoch. "I said don't look Y/n."

"You've totally got a crush! Oh my bird, you're gay! When are you going to come out? No one will care if you're worried." Olive started to ramble.

"Oh my bird, guys, I'm straight!" You nearly yelled.

"I'm not." The three of you turned to Enoch. "I'm omni. And I'll come out after dinner if you do too. And don't say you're not gay because I don't want you going all denial crazy. Just consider the possibility.


The more you thought about it, the more you realized, you were most definitely gay. Somewhere under the bi umbrella, but that could always change.


You spent two days making sure that was how you really felt. But dinner just ended and you were positive. So before Miss Peregrine could dismiss anyone, you stood up. "I have an announcement to make!" You pointed at Enoch. "Stand up, I'm not doing this alone." He sighed and stood up. Olive and Emma both had giant grins, you hadn't told them but they knew what was coming. "I am bisexual." Why were you so fucking nervous right now?

"And I'm omni." Enoch just shrugged like it was no big deal. What you didn't expect is what came next.

Horace stood up. "I'm aromatic."

Millard stood up right after to share in the group. "I'm genderfluid and bi."

Olive didn't stand but raised her hand. "I'm pan."

"Well children, gay or not, you're all welcome and loved here. I myself am pan." Miss Peregrine smiled at the group.

"WHAT?!" Hugh yelled out. And with that the entire table erupted into conversations and questions.

"Damn, been a while since we caused total chaos. Good job guys." You laughed and congratulated them, forgetting Miss Peregrine was next to you.

"So as the people who caused the chaos, would you like to calm everyone down for movie time?" She placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Easy!" You jumped on top the table. "Everyone! It is time for the movie! Please proceed to the parlor. You can have civilized conversations later." Surprisingly, everyone listened and left the room, leaving you along with Miss Peregrine.

"Polite persons don't stand on the dinning table, Y/n. Come one." She held out her hand and you took it to let her help you down.

"Well at least it worked."


Honestly, I just wanted to make a happier chapter before making it sad again. Good luck.

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