Chapter 4-Dumbass In Love

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A day later and your friends wouldn't stop pestering you. "You should start subtly flirting with her now that you know you have a chance!" Olive was pretty enthusiastic about the entire ordeal.

"There's no way I can do that! Our relationship is fine like this."

"Y/n, can you make me this?" Emma held up a book turned to a page with a stunning necklace. A thin sliver chain that held an incredible sapphire.

"Oh, sure I can."

Olive sighed. "Enough of this. Go tell her she looks great today." She pushed you away.

Well it's a simple compliment, not too bad. You found her inside enjoying a cup of tea. "Hello Miss Peregrine, mind if I join you?"

"Not at all. I could do with some company." She smiled and began pouring you a cup of  tea.

You hummed and tried to be casual about what you would say next. "You look wonderful today."

She raised an eyebrow, probably wondering if you just wanted something.  "I look like this everyday."

"My point exactly." She smiled and shook her head as she held out a cup of tea to you, which you happily took. "So I've been thinking, Emma's birthday is in a week from now. Could we send a letter to Jake? Perhaps have him over for a few days to  surprise her? I know it's probably unlikely but she does miss him."

"Well the last time I wrote Jake id found he'd left home. Traveling from loop to loop, checking in and killing the last few hollows. It's possible he'll be able to take a  break and visit for a while."

"That's great, write him, let me know if he responds. But I have to go make something for Emma. Bye!" You rushed off, taking your tea with you.

You sat down in your room and began drawing the necklace she had wanted while the image was still in your head. You must have been there for hours, trying to get every detail right. Once you thought it was perfect you placed your hand flat on the paper. And when you pulled your hand away, a real necklace, exactly like the drawing, sat atop a now blank piece of paper.

Just as you stood up from your desk to go give it to Emma, there was a knock on your door. "Come in."

And none other than Emma walked in. "Y/n, I was wondering when." She stopped for a moment when she noticed the necklace on your desk. "Never mind, I see it's already done. Now put it in a case, throw a bow on it, and give it to Miss Peregrine."

"I'm sorry, what? I thought this was for you?"

"Not at all, it's for you to give to her."

You sighed and sat back down, picking up your pencil. "I'll make a case and bow."

"I'll get Enoch and Olive so we can listen in when it's time to give it to her." Emma left, closing the door behind her, leaving you alone to work.

Making the box and bow went a lot faster. And your three friends were begging for you to go give it to her now. You found her in the parlor playing chess with herself, as she often did. Em, Olive, and Enoch waited outside the door so they could hear.

You sighed and sat down next to Miss Peregrine. "I've made you something." You held out the small black case with a dark blue bow on it.

She raised an eyebrow but took it. She opened in and let out a small gasp. "Y/n, this is beautiful. I thought you were making Emma something?"

"I've still got a week to get her a gift. But I saw this in a book and thought of you." As you spoke you took it from her hands and clipped it around her neck before straightening it out. "Ah, see? I was right, it looks incredible on you."

She took the gem in her hand and looked down to further admire it. "I love it, thank you, darling."

"I'm glad, but I need to go. I promised Olive I'd hang out with her." You got up and left before you could have a nervous meltdown.

"That was great." Olive said the moment you left the parlor, paying no mind to the fact Miss Peregrine could probably hear her.

"Oh shush, come on." You led the, outside and sat down in the grass so Miss P wouldn't be able to hear. "Alright, I may be bi, but who even said I liked her? Because I certainly didn't!"

"Oh you didn't have to say anything."  Enoch spoke up. "In the past two weeks you've looked at her one hundred and seven times with no real reason to, give or take. Which is more than double the amount of times you look at anyone else with no reason to."

"Has it really been that many times?"

"Yes. And she catches your gaze seventy eight percent of the time."

"Oh shit. I'm in love with Miss Peregrine."


Oh look at that, the idiot finally accepted the truth.

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