Part 2

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Back at camp, Splash hurried into Scorch's den, suddenly remembering that they were supposed to meet.

"Good evening, Splash" the fiery tom meowed, beckoning him in with a swish of his tail. "I assume you dealt with the traitor, yes? Who disobeyed this time?" He added with a snarl

"It was Finch, sir. The small brown cat."

"Ah yes, Finch. I always knew he was too weak for our kingdom. Well, enough of that, back to the matters I wanted to discuss with you." Scorch said, calming down now that he had changed the topic. "First matter of business, I'd like you to ramp up training for all cats. Apparently we've let them get too soft."

"Of course, Scorch. I'll plan for extra battle training and oversee them myself."

"Good, good. I always knew I picked the right cat to be second in command. Now for the second thing," Scorch paused, looking at Splash, "It's Riverclan, they've waged war against us."

"War?!" Splash snarled "Those fox hearts should know better than to wage war with us!" The silver tom's tail swished in anger, and his ears flattened.

"Don't you worry, dear Splash, for I have a plan. Riverclan plans to attack in 5 days time. We will come at them with the element of surprise, attacking their camp in the night of the third day." Scorch mused, eyes lighting up at the thought of fighting clan cats.

Splash enjoyed the thought of fighting. If they won, they could expand their territory. And plus, Riverclan didn't have a chance against Scorch's kingdom.

"While you conduct battle training, you will select the best cat to lead a group of cats into the camp as a distraction. You and I will each lead another group, surrounding the camp. Then we strike!" Scorch said with a maniacal laugh. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make some kits into apprentices."

Splash followed Scorch into the center of camp.  The group was silent as they emerged. Scorch leaped onto a tall rock, looking down at the cats menacingly.

"All cats gather for an announcement!" He yowled. "It is time for some new apprentices to be made. Ivy and Bone, please come forward."
Two tiny kits crept forward, shaking in fear and excitement. One was a light brown she cat and the other was a cream colored tom.

"Ivy and Bone, you have reached the age of 4 moons, and now can become apprentices. You will engage in battle training with the rest of the clan and hunt. " Scorch's voice boomed.

"Now, we will be attacking Riverclan in 3 days time, battle training will be conducted until then. Everyone get some rest, because your going to need it" Scorch turned with a flourish and retreated back to his den. The cats cheered at the thought of the coming battle and the newly made apprentices cheered at their new ranks.
"You heard him, now go to bed!" Splash yowled.

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