chapter fjórir

715 45 15

The following morning, my alarm's buzz blared into my ears, forcing me to roll over and shut it off. As usual, it read 6am meaning, wake up and get your ass outta bed! I groaned and sat up, pulling my hair out of its two French braids, planning on having curly hair day.

Shuffling over to my closet, I pulled out a Jack Wills blouse, A&F jeans, and brown gladiator sandals.


I went shuffling through my dresser to get a matching bra and panties set, blue lace obviously.

I should just trend #OCDprobs on Twitter

After I slipped on my clothes, I skipped to, and down the steps for breakfast. At the table sat Ryan munching on an apple once again. I walked up behind him ruffling his hair, "Hey bruh, wanna fix me some eggs?"

I mean sure I could do it myself but then again what's the point when there's a completely working male right in the same room?

"Hell no El! Last time I checked, you can cook, and pretty damn well at that" Ryan hollered as I just smiled and shook my head. Of course...


Pulling into the school's student parking area, Ryan pulled up next to a very familiar looking black Range Rover. Here we go... I though to myself as I stepped out of the car and came face to face with none other than Louis Tomlinson.

"Elle!" he screamed, jumping up and down, drawing attention to our area. The boys and Ryan just smirked before turning and walking to the school building. Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me with him, following in the boys' foot steps.


Classes that day flew by. I dealt with the usual banter from the boys in each class, got loads of work, and got more information on the school's lacrosse team tryouts. Not trying to brag or anything but, I was a pretty beasty player if I do say so myself.

As I was making my way to the cafeteria for lunch, I heard a pounding of feet behind me and a heavy body slam into my back, nearly pushing me and the person to the ground.

"Ellie! Guess who's gonna eat lunch with you today?" yelled the weight on my back.

Niall. Only Niall.

"Oh I don't know? Let's see Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and definitely not that annoying, Irish twat," I smirked back, turning my head to see his profile partially.

"Ha! Yeah right! You know you love this sexy voice of mine!" The blonde lad laughed, throwing his arm over my shoulder as we made our way through the cafeteria's double doors.

Deciding to ignore his comment, I just rolled my eyes and drug us over to our table. Being the ever so gracious boy Niall is, he pulled out my chair, bowed, and helped me into my seat

note the sarcasm

"Niall, oh dear Niall, you are my knight in shining armor. What would I do without you here to pull out my chair?" I asked, immediately seeing the red tint flare up on his neck and cheeks.

"Shuddup El, just tryna be nice," he mumbled, looking down into his lunch bag, obviously trying to hide his blush.

"Hey friends! What's goin' on?" came a deep, raspy voice.

Without even having to look up, I replied, "Harry, if you try to do an American accent one more time, I will shave that pretty head of yours and feed it to my cat for lunch. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a chicken sandwich to eat." I was definetely proud of that comeback, especially after looking up to the brown headed boy, his face showing one of shock and amusement all in one.

boo ya

"Oh you know you wouldn't, you love me too much!"

"Oh yes she would! Now, what exactly would she do?" came Louis as he appeared next to the looming giant named Harry.

"All I gathered was that she was gonna rip his hair off, which honestly wouldn't surprise me!" chuckled Liam as he came and sat on the other side of me.

"Hey Li!" I smiled at the muscular boy next to me, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. On the other side of me though, I could feel Niall tense and let out a sad sigh. I wonder what that's all about?


Later that night I found myself curled up on my bed, awaiting a text from a certain someone.

A blonde certain someone who may or may not have captured my heart within the last two days.


I've realized that a few people are wanting this to be a Niall fic.... hm I'm thinking about it. Comment who you think the pairings should be ...

xx MA

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