Part 4: Consequence

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Somehow things got worse after they got better. Valeria had woken up with a killer hangover and from a nightmare. She had woken up screaming, and though Ray tried to help, it worsened. She wasn't afraid of Ray or how he was around her, but rather that she vastly underestimated Cory's ability to let her go. She realized it in the dream. Cory wouldn't let her go just because she slept with someone else. He wouldn't be able to handle it. The "if I can't have her, no one can" mentality was vividly shown to her in her worst nightmare.

Ray hasn't come near her in three weeks, and Valeria thinks that might be for the best. She can't risk it. Cory would kill not only her but him as well. She can't take that risk, not when Evie needs Ray. Evie has been giving her a purpose in the last several weeks, helping her with school work. She has realized that she wants to return to teaching but knows she can't do it here, not if Cory wins the election. She will have to leave town or even the state. It might be a smart idea anyway. Valeria can't risk Cory getting to her, especially now.

"Valeria, did you hear me?" She is pulled from her mind and turns to look at Dr. Evenson. She nods slightly but still can't wrap her head around it. "I must admit, I didn't see this coming."

"You and me both, Doc," Valeria replies while sitting on the annoying paper on the exam chair. "You told me this couldn't happen."

"No, I said there is a very good chance this couldn't happen. There is a difference." Doctor Evenson is sitting on the rolling stool, looking at her with extreme interest in her eyes and a severe expression. "I am not going to lie to you, Valeria. This is very dangerous, not just for you now."

"I know," Valeria mumbles and puts her head in her hands in frustration. "If Cory finds out, I won't be able to get away from him."

Dr. Evenson scoots closer and places a hand on one of Valeria's when she lowers hers. "If he finds you, you will lose this one, like you lost the other two. You understand that, right?"

Valeria blinks back tears and has to look away. Her leg is shaking, something she does when her anxiety takes over. "Listen to me, Valeria. There is a way to keep Cory away from you and your child, but it is incredibly risky."

"I won't let you lie for me, Doc," Valeria states, knowing already what she means. "Besides, he fell for one document. He will fight the second, and with that whole team of lawyers on his side, I won't stand a chance, and your whole career will go up in flames."

"Valeria, I think if we can find proof he is not the father, then he won't have the legal right to take you or the child." Dr. Evenson states with emphasis.

"What exactly are you saying?" Valeria looks up at her.

"I am a doctor, Valeria. I know the statistics, and I also am human and not blind." The doctor is studying her, but Valeria holds her ground. "It has been nearly two months since you were with Cory, and that is two months you have been living with Ray. I ran the tests, and Cory only had a small chance of being compatible with you, and that is after all the invitro that you tried. With Cory, you had a one in ten million chance of getting pregnant with medical help. However, I also told you that your chances were greater with someone else, though it is still a small chance." She stares Valeria down. "Is there any chance this child is not Cory's? Is there a chance that it is Ray's?"

Valeria shakes her head. "No. We were nearly black-out drunk, but even then, we were safe, and it was just once."

"How safe?" The doctor questions. "Because I know you aren't on anything and every other protective measure has a failure percentage." She hesitates when Valeria looks away from her. "I must admit, I didn't expect to be right about you sleeping with Ray." An edge of humor in the doctor's tone makes Valeria turn back to her with a glare. "Statistically speaking, abused women aren't quick to jump into bed with another man for quite some time."

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