43. Delicate Little Rose X fake high and cold demented movie emperor

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Translator: Justurs
(T/N: Yay, are u guys happy? I'm so busy these days with school stuff)

Li Ruan drank up a glass of white wine, and his eyelashes fluttered a few times, becoming more confused. His eyes were misted with clear water, his cheeks were flushed, and he shook his head, feeling that his vision was spinning. Is he really that bad of a drinker?

He thought softly, and after a while, he realized that he was already leaning on Feng Su's arm and was hugging him. Even though Feng Su was dipped in wine, his face remained calm and calm, looking at him with a teasing expression, as if to say: Are you drunk?

Li Ruan puff up his face, Feng Su looked at his small face which was doubly attractive due to drunkenness.

Showing his beautiful face, he curled his lips indulgently, "Okay, what you say is what you say." He gave Louis a wink as he spoke, and Louis quickly brought a bottle of wine over. Li Ruan just watched as the white liquid wine poured into Feng Su O little by little.

Li Ruan's eyes widened in surprise, remembering the spicy taste, he quickly reached out to stop it, but he was a few steps slower due to drunkenness, and by the time he stopped it, Feng Su had already drunk half a bottle. He also closed his eyes, and his body went limp, propping himself up on top of Li Ruan.

Li Ruan looked at his pale face, and was suddenly sobered up by fright. He supported Feng Su nervously, "Lou, what should I do? Feng Su passed out!" Compared to his nervousness, Louis was much calmer. He pushed the frame: "Don't worry, boss is just drunk, he will be fine after a sleep. "

"So that's it." Li Shuo was relieved and thought, "That's right, Feng Chang drank so much wine at once, how could he not be drunk? Louis said, "I have some work to do, so I'll ask you to take the boss back to the hotel."

Li Ruan had lived in Feng Su's room for many days, and he knew the address. He nodded, turned around and left the hotel with Feng Su on his back. Maybe he was concerned and confused, or maybe he was slightly drunk, which made him completely lose his thoughts, Li Ruan said. I have never noticed why Feng Su, who drank half a bottle of "baijiu", has no alcohol all over his body and why he can carried the 1.85 meter Feng Su so effortlessly. Instead, Li Ruan felt that the journey was very easy, and soon the hotel was not far away.

A room card is required to enter the room. so Li Ruan first reached in Feng Chang's jacket pocket and then in the trouser pocket of his suit pants and found that Feng Chang really stuffed everything into his pockets. The card is not only for the phone, but also for a large piece of rubber bottle stopper. The rubber bottle stopper was pressed into the pocket, and the room card was taken out to open the door. Feng Su's face, which had been white all the way, turned light red, and his eyelashes were shaking violently, indicating that he was uneasy. However, Li Ruan didn't notice this.

He put Feng Su to bed, The first thing he did was to turn on the air conditioning and go to the kitchen to get a glass of ice water to drink. I don't know if the drunkenness spread to the top of my head, Li Ruan was a little dizzy and wanted to sleep.

He wanted to use ice water to wake himself up, but he didn't expect that after drinking the ice water, his whole body became even hotter. So dizzy, so sleepy. Li Ruan yawned, and with a dry mouth, he drank a glass of ice water. I really want to...sleep.

This thought just popped into his head, and in the next second, his eyes went black, and he fell backward in weakness. The imagined pain did not come, he seemed to be held in the arms of someone. Li Ruan rubbed the man with his small face with difficulty, and then fell asleep without precaution.


When Li Ruan woke up again, the sky was bright. The dazzling light jumped on his eyelids, and he was sleepy and wanted to raise his hand to block the light. Before he could cover his eyes, his hands met hard skin. It was not like his own.
Li Ruan woke up suddenly and stepped back subconsciously. His movement also awakened the people beside him. Feng Su opened his blue eyes, and his eyes became sharp as soon as he saw the situation on the bed, and looked at Li Ruan.

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