Meeting Someone?! 😲

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Y'all are probably confused why we have a different last name than Moniwa, I'll explain that later in the story. Stay to find out ;)


Today I woke up to my sombody banging on my bedroom door. What a lovely alarm..I grabbed my phone to see what time it was and it was 11:27 am. I let out a groan and stumbled towards my bedroom door and opened it to see my annoying(but loving) brother, known as Kaname Moniwa.

"What in the absolute hell do you want.." I said to my brother with a very cold tone.

"Dang y/n no need to be so rude." He said with an offended look on his face as he continued "I need you to go to the store and get me the cookies that you promised to get me yesterday." He claimed with a sly grin.

"Why do you need ME to get them?" emphasizing the word me, "Can't you get them yourself?"

"I meann," dragging out the 'n', "I can but you promised to get me cookies. So I'm making you do it now!" Kaname exclaimed.

"Fine, get out of my doorway so I can get dressed," I said as I slammed my door in his face. The reason was so I can stop him from annoying me any further. Even though my brother is VERY loving, he can tend to be annoying sometimes because of it and that bothers me.

'For fucks sake, couldn't he have just done this himself?' I thought as I walked over to my closet finding something to wear.

'This is what happens when I promise him random shit...' I sigh as continued to think to myself while I picked out my favorite hoodie and sweatpants. I put both of the pieces of clothing on and opened my door.

'Wait why do I feel like I'm forgetting something..' I continued to think as I put my index finger and thumb on my chin. "My phone!" I pointed my finger up in a gun-like motion as I ran to grab my phone checking what time it was again and my headphones while putting them both in my front hoodie pocket. I walked out of my bedroom door, closed it, and then walked downstairs. Then I walked into the kitchen and noticed my mom standing there making lunch.

'Lowkey forgot it was past 11:30..' I thought to myself.

"Good morning mama," I say as I continued to walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetheart, could you run to the local supermarket and get the groceries for me?" She asked in a questioning tone. "I'll give you the list and money you'll need if you do. I'll let you keep the extra money if there is any to spare," she said. That right there bargained my deal, free money? No way I'm missing that chance. Not like I wasn't getting ready to go to the store anyways..

"Sure mama, I was planning on going to the store anyways to get Kaname cookies. So I guess I'll get the groceries while I'm at it." I chuckled while answering her question.

"Thank you, you're a lifesaver! I'm so glad you'll do it since your brother whined about it." She said while glaring at him. That made him stiffen up and look at us while I laughed. She continued as she looked back at me, "I'll give you the list and the money. Hold on let me go get the stuff, it's in my purse."

"Okay, I'll wait mama!" I said as I looked at my brother. "You liar! You just wanted to get out shopping didn't you?!" I exclaimed,

"Maybee?~.." He said in a hesitant and questioning voice.

"You as-" I was cut off by my mother. "Here you go, sweety! Sorry it took me a minute, I had to find my purse." she chuckled while sounding worried.

"It's fine mama, thank you. I needed to get out of the house anyways. I've literally been sleeping all day." I said while stifling a laugh and smiling at her. Grabbing the stuff out of her hands and putting it in one of my sweatpants pockets.

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