Eating update.48

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So basically this is like a little life update I know so basically recently I haven't been eating a lot but I wanted to inform you guys today I ate a whole small cheese pizza which may not seem like a lot but it was for me and I digested it completely I had some water and juice I think that 2 cups of water and like one cup of juice yeah I just wanted to update you guys and for information my mom is approaching her 7 month Mark and I will be receiving a sibling in 2 months I'm also moving which I am nervous about so where it's just kind of chaotic over here which is why I haven't been uploading as much. I've been uploading like songs like I've been listening to and like music videos im trying to keep updating but I don't want to put out terrible quality content and like I can't post a story right now I don't want to like cram it in and make it sound really rushed in my stories aren't even the best quality right now so I'm trying to like update that in like some fix old stories and do a bunch of other stuff so yeah but if you guys have any content that you would prefer like me to post even though I'm trying not to like take requests or anything like that but like I'm looking for like things I can post instead of like chapters for new one shots and I might do a life update book but tell me if you guys are like interested in the also if this is terrible sorry I'm using text to speech because I don't have time to be typing all of this. So yeah, but I just wanted to update you guys and love you bye.

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