Question 51.

505 7 2

I have a genuine question for you guys so I'm this girl I'm take talk she like got mad at me or whatever because I go back to her on some lyrics as like a joke and then she told me a girl and I was like I don't identify as a girl and yeah and I did it's like a bunch of other people's comments that said that and then she was like OK and then I commented again or whatever and then she was like girl stop doing that and she like how claim your girl I was like I'm not a girl and she got mad because I was like you're rude and you're being very offensive because you repetitive are mis gendering me as somebody who does not identify as a girl and you keep like calling your girl which I thought was really rude and now she has a Dusty to comment like no I'm not bitch didn't even spell not right she spelled it with a b. so now I'm wondering, am I like an asshole, yes, because I have read to this girl I've had today, and she still chose to be rude to me and watch her reply was because you don't know how to talk my shit, but let me be nice first.

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