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I was in the shower thinking about what blue . I knew she had something cooked up her sleeve for my special day today. She always manages to top herself off better then she did last year.

She been real distant lately not talking to me. She come home and just goes to sleep no dinner like we used to do. Sit in the living room chill and talk about our days.

To be honest I have a feeling she cheating or jus loosing feelings ig. Well I'm not gon say that cause she always been s one to speak her mind through any situation.

Tonight I was gon make sure we had a good time.  I wanted us to be how we was.

I stepped out the shower and admired my body in the mirror. The body was looking good but the hair was , imma just say she wasn't giving what she was supposed to.

I did some quick stitch braids . Blue gon be snatching dem shii when she snatch my soul so it don't matter what they look like aat.

Fast forward I got dressed red velvety dress and the chain she got me for my birthday last year.  She always smile when I wear it.

I walked out the bathroom looking at my phone. I look up for a minute and babe was staring at me. I took the opportunity to go and tease her.

I walked over and planted kisses on her neck which is her sweet spot. And rubbed on her body pushing  her more towards me. She let out a little moan , and then pushed me off. I looked at her confused cuz wth.  But then she pointed to bed which had all my gifts on there.

I went over there and looked at everything. I felt like crying because she always out do herself for my birthday.  But I knew if I started crying she qpuld to.

I ran to her and jumped in her arms. She spun me around like they do in the movies.

We went downstairs shortly after and sat on the couch by this time it was 6:30 and our reservation were set for 7:45.

Suddenly she started rubbing my thighs. I didn't think of it as nothing at first but the lower she got , I got wetter and wetter. She moved my panties to the side began circling my clit.

I let out a small moan and she added two finger inside of me. I kept trying to push her fingers away. But she grabbed my neck with her free hand and went faster.

"I-i...I'm almost there blue", I stuttered.
I'm finally cu- the next think you know I let it out all over her fingers.

She slurped it off and told me get up we gon be late with a smirk.

I just knew tonight was gonna be a good one.

Wsg people I feel like this is short to but imama try to aim for 1,00 words next time love yah stay gay🥰

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