♤The story thus far♤

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In 4th and 5th grade puberty hit. Elementary school boys randomly would take off their shirts and I wanted to be like them. I wanted my body to change to they're body type so I could do that. I thought this was normal as my best friend would stare at them too so I assumed she thought the same thing. Well in an rp with a few friends I'd use brother and he/him. Even changed my name to Georgie because we're really into IT at the time. But I would try and copy my male best friend, how he stood and walked. My friend noticed this and basically said hey you might be trans. I laughed it off and said maybe cuz I didn't know what it ment at the time. But I googled it and got confused cuz it was a weird definition, so I put it off. In 7th grade I bought mainly boys shirts, My dad refused to buy me boy pants. But I made it work because my role Pete Wentz wore girls clothes and I thought if he could do it I could do it. Then my friend came out and I asked one of them what exactly Trans means since Google sucks and will tell you you have cancer when really you're sick. They said it means you want to be the opposite gender then what you're assigned at birth. Then I said oh and I did research and looked back on my past behavior picking up little things I'd do that I'd do to avoid female things or how some stories I found sounded oddly kinda like mine. And then after I realized this stuff I came out to my friends. They all said they called it. I also that year listen to people change Georgie into a feminine name so I switched to Michael or Mikey because it made me uncomfortable when they'd do that and well you can't really make Mikey feminine plus I felt like that name fit me and it was my grandpa's name and I feel like he would be happy I'm trying to be myself. I also got a hair cut that year thst made me feel happy at the time but in was actually Euphoria. Then in 8th grade I was forced with females for the sh thing I felt uncomfy being there. Then in lock down I'd complain about my hair getting too long and I'd panic cuz I was starting to look more fem again but I kept researching and finding out more things. Then in 9th grade when we're all in person I went back to copying my male best friend. And lastly this year I tried to explain to my dad I didn't feel like a girl and he said he wanted a real reason. But now I'm here. I've struggled with my dad not understanding and people at school but this is what I've come to the conclusion that I want and what would make me comfortable in the long run.

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