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This is more of how to deal with dysphoria! At the end, there will be a list of small things I do when dysphoric or on yk. There will be a key to help you decipher between them! For this, I don't have a story really but I do have a short paragraph of encouragement

If you feel down and dysphoric just remember that YOU are good enough even if you don't pass you still are trans and will pass one day. It just takes time to pass. Soon you will pass and you won't even think about when you didn't. Dysphoria warps how you see yourself in the mirror but just remember you are amazing. No matter what you think people can fuck off you can take things at your own pace! If you don't want to jump straight into anything (like changing how you dress, Name etc.). Take social transitioning at whatever pace you want. Don't feel pressured to take it fast.

Now onto the things I do
◇Time of the month

-Green tea♡
-boxers♧ (you can do this when on yk but make sure to wear regular underwear that can fit a pad if you wear pads)
-men's deodorant♡
-men/baggy shirt♡
-fill in eyebrows♡
-men's body wash/shampoo♡
-dysphoria hoodie♡
-Talk to someone you trust about it♡
-do something you love doing♡ (for me it would be drawing or reading. If you like reading there are some really good ftm stories out there. I will be doing that soon as well)
-get an app to help you stay on track♡ (I have an app called Finch which helps me stay on track and take good care of myself and I can even start goals to help me reach certain things in life. If you got the app and wanna be tree town neighbours add my friend invite: https://app.befinch.com/invite/SfdD Friend code: YJ8HKXJAAV)

Next will be about the time of the month if you guys wanna know what I do during that time dysphoria wise

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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