chapter 2

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This chapter may contain somewhat sensitive subjects *viewer discretion advised*

Tempest POV

Its my 16th birthday today, yah ik, this should be a day of celebration and fun but the only thing i feel is numbness, because for me its just another year i have to endure richards beatings and set of rules

At this point i have no desire to live, but my last attempt to end it was unsuccessful and i put my friends through a lot because of it, i may hate my life and the direction it went in, but they have been here for me through it all, they have cleaned every wound, physically, there is no way they could clean my mental wounds, i love them but nothing can change what happened to me

I don't know if i will ever be the same girl, my life has been nothing but ups and downs, and it seems the downs are longer....i have no idea when this pain will end, if ever, but as its going, i don't have much hope of it getting better anymore

I would say im not scared, but that would be a lie, im not some fearless warrior that has steeled herself to the beatings, each of them hurt, whether its mentally or physically, they hurt

I just want it to end.

I don't care how, either someone saving me...or richard deciding he's done with me, i just want it to end

Im brought out of my thoughts by the school bell ringing for second period and everyone jumping out of their seats to get to their next class

I gather my books and pencils and sigh, time for algebra, i hate algebra. I dont understand why someone thought it would be a good idea to add letters to math, it just makes it that much more complicated

As im walking to my next class i stop dead in my tracks and my heart beat increases, i see a group of 4 kids, 2 girls and two boys, and my heart aches for my friends i haven't seen since i was 14

Why the hell haven't the tried to contact me once since then? Did i do something wrong? Are they finally done with my shit? i was beginning to get a headache

So instead of going straight to class, i decided to go into the nearby bathrooms, once in there i went into the big stall and sat down with my knees to my chest, it felt like i was being suffocated, like richards hands were around my throat in the form of words, or lack of

I started hyperventilating and the tears started streaming down my face, my eyes stung and my chest hurt, i frantically opened my book bag and grabbed my dab pen, i tried to control my breathing just a bit before taking a long and hard hit, i held my breath for a good six seconds and slowly let out the smoke, my anxiety going with it

I took about five more hits before i decided i was ok enough to leave the bathroom, i was about to put it in my bag before a thought stopped me i might need it later and its a bit inconvenient to have to go back into my bag so i decided to stuff it into my bra, and that i did

I was walking out of the stall when the bell for third period rang, and my heart sank, i still smell like weed and i missed my whole second period, shit, their gonna call richard and he's gonna be angry, "i- i just needed a minute to myself....i-i didn't know it had been that long" i softly whispered to myself

I felt the familiar sting in the back of my eyes and shut them real tight with my jaw clenched, i tried my best to swallow the lump in my throat but it was harder than i thought, a single tear escaped my eye and as quickly as it came i wiped it away

I may cry, but that is for only me to see, the only other people that have seen me cry are either dead or very close to me now, whether i want them to be or not, i prefer people not seeing me cry, because i don't want them to see im not the stone cold bitch that couldn't care less about what other people think of me

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