Chapter 4

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Sorry for the late update but i usually don't post till the next chapter is finished but its been a while so imma post this rn, love you all hope you enjoy<333

Tempest POV

I woke up to a knocking on the door, my eyes were heavy with tiredness but i had to get up

I slowly sat up while trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes and adjust to the light now shining in my face "wake up kid, the social worker is here" the officer from last night said while opening the door

"Yah, yah, yah" i muttered under my breath before getting out of the cot and walking back into the precincts main office thing

I spotted a lady that looked mid 20's with black hair and hazel eyes sitting in the waiting room just looking around at.anything and everything

We started walking her way and her eyes caught mine and lit up, i guess this is her i thought to myself while just admiring her beauty, i have never seen a woman so pretty before

There was something gentle and warm about her, she was dripping in kindness it looked like, but not the kind that makes you naive, no, the kind you have fought hard to obtain, the kind you get after enduring stressful days, and the kind you get after you have been hurt

The kind of kindness you wish people had shown you when you were going through your darker days, the unforgettable ones

She stands to greet us and shakes both of our hands with a very polite smile, i give a slight smile back, and frankly it feels foreign on my face, i haven't smiled in i don't know how long, even a fake one

"Hi, im Lillian Black, im going to be your social worker, its very nice to meet you" the lady says looking me in the eyes with the most gentle yet intimidating eyes i have ever encountered

"Um...Tempest" i respond to her "Tempest Moretti, and the pleasure is mine" i showcase a small smirk because i don't feel like smiling anymore, Lillian laughs a little before grabbing her bag from the ground and saying "alright, well shall we get started? Lets go find out if you got any family with my ultra detective skills"

"Ok" i said with a slight chuckle

We head over to a secluded room with a computer and a few chairs to start getting to know each other so this will go smoother "so Tempest, how are you coping?" She asks, at first i was confuses as to what she meant and then it clicked

"Im doing fine....i and him weren't very close, but i can still feel his blood all over me" i said and faked a shiver so she would see me tremble "its ok sweety, it gets easier" she responded and put her hand on my shoulder giving me a gentle reassuring look

One thing i love about this lady, is she never looks at me with pity, just gentleness and admiration, why? I have no clue, but she does and im not complaining

Im tired of all the pity looks, just because my adoptive father was killed by me and everybody thinks im a ticking time bomb getting ready to explode, but honestly, i couldn't care less about the bastard

I hope he's rotting in hell

"So, do you have any friends?" Lillian asks me "well yes and no, its complicated" i said and she nodded her head, writing something down n her little note book "any family?" She says "no, none that i know of"

She looks up at me for a second as if shes analyzing me, and there is something that has been bugging me this entire time, there is something very familiar about her, like i know her.....but not quite, y'know?

She writes down in her little notepad thingy again after studying me for a second "ok, Tempest, what im about to ask you is a very, very personal question, and i need you to let me know if i need to not touch the subject, do you understand?" She says

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