Chapter 3

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Tempest POV

I killed a man....

After i shot richard i felt two emotions

Relief and anxiety

I was relieved i got rid of the man that has tormented me for the past 6 years of my life, and i was anxious because...well...i just killed a man...duh

I started panicking because there was a dead man lying in front of me. Dead. Lifeless. Still warm.

First thing i did was run out of the room to catch my bearings, i sat down on the couch in the living room with my head in my hands, just trying to calm my breathing

Breath in.....breath out.......breath in.....breath out, i do this untill my breathing becomes normal and i can think straight

I get up, and decide to do the one thing i haven't been able to do in 6 years, go into richards room

I slowly walked up the stairs contemplating everything that has happened to me the past 6 years, and everything that happened to me before

Being in the slave trade for 4 years and finally getting out when a kind but dangerous man saved me after he bought me, i don't remember much but i do remember the auctions after the age 6, they all become more vivid and clear

After that he sent me to an orphanage to be adopted by a nice family since he said his line of work isn't the safest, i didn't understand at the time, i still don't understand fully, but i obeyed nonetheless, i haven't seen the man since, but i could never forget his face, or the boy that was with him

After that i was in the orphanage for another 3 years untill i was 10, just hoping and waiting for someone to come along and adopt me

There were many families that looked at me like a dog in a kennel, just picking and choosing the best ones, and i was one of the best. That was until they seen my scars, i have a big scar on my back, from the top of my left shoulder to the bottom of my right hip, i also have scars littering my torso and legs, some even on my arms, but the deepest one is right above my left....umm...uh...nipple

Yah uh...yah....ANYWAYS

Nobody wanted me untill richard showed up, he didn't care about my scars, he showed me kindness and mercy, or so i thought.....the first time he began to show violence he told me that i was ugly and nobody would ever love me not even my own family if i even have one that is, he would tell me my scars were hideous and disgusting

I haven't showed them to another person since then, nobody, i hadn't even showed my friends i had a couple years back, Veronica, Blake, Bailey, and jacob, they left 2 years back, Veronica and Blake went to italy for college, and Jacob and bailey went to a college here in america but its too far for me to see them

My phone broke and i couldn't remember their numbers so i lost touch a year back, its been so hard without them, wondering if they were doing ok, having to deal with the beatings and assault alone

I finally made it to richards room and went for the door handle, but i hesitated, scared of what i might find on the other side, and feeling a deep rooted fear of going inside

I slowly turned the knob and opened the door......i don't know what i expected but i didn't expect it to be so normal

I decided to check his nightstand by his bed and caught sight of his clock, i realized it was already 2 o'clock in the morning, i skipped over the fact and started looking through his drawers

I found nothing but papers in the top one so i looked in the bottom one and found a wad of cash, had to be almost 1,000 dollars there, i decided to test my luck and lifted his mattress, placing it on the floor

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