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Some people take life too seriously, they try 110% at everything, that great... But if you don't enjoy it. Why do it. Yeah it might give you money. Yeah it might give you power. But if you loath the job you have, you really must look inside and ask why you're putting yourself through this.

Other people don't try hard enough, they love what they're doing and that's great... But success come from attitude, not ability

Then there are people that coast, they don't have a job but they're looking for one, or they have a job but it's part time. The hours are alright, the pay is alright, the job is alright, the boss is alright, but are they alright?

The point of this text is to question your actions. Before you put anything into act in life, or even if you've already acted, you think, than think again, than think a third time. You think logically, then emotionally, then selflessly.

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