Purple clouds

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TW: Suicidal thoughts, cursing

The day was almost done, the sun had already gone down under the mountains. Clouds were still up and with little light that remained made them appear purple. On a small cliff on top of a mountain with woods surrounding the surface and below stood a boy.

A boy who looked down over the side of the cliff. He wondered what would happen if he jumped, he knew what would happen, he would die.

The boy had fuzzy black hair that was split dyed a lilac shade of purple. His figure was rather scrawny and small. His hair was in his face making his eyes hard to see, what you could see of his face was that he had a small nose, thin medium lips, freckles and that his eyes were brown. His name was pip, well it wasn't actually everyone just called him pip. His real name is parker.

Parker always thought that his death should help people. His mother hated him and his father perished in an accident with Parker. His mom always blamed him for the death of his father and it started getting to Parker. It wasn't a horrible day to do such a thing, his mother wouldn't mind and he already left the notes for the small amount of friends he had.

He glanced over the cliff once more, getting closer to the edge.

    "PIP!" A sudden voice pulled pip back to reality. "Pip! Where are you!!" The voice shouted through the woods behind him.

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