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I couldn't do a single shit in between these months and honestly it's fucking frustating where I abandoned both my hobbies of graphics and writing just to sink in the deep pit of loneliness and dismal. I was away from Wattpad kinda permanently for few weeks. But anyways I found quite a cliche concept to work on, from those dark thoughts of mine. And that's this -

 And that's this -

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I mean you can have 13 reasons or more, but none gives a 'F' about that

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I mean you can have 13 reasons or more, but none gives a 'F' about that. I've several reasons and I still can't overcome it; instead I completed AOT and also watched Perfect Blue so that my depression can have a much more wider aspect in life than my future. However JJK and SAM was honestly a small beam of light among these.

Crap things aside, it's just time to say bye bye to my portfolio, coz I'm not doing graphics anymore as for now. Even if I'll do, I'll post on insta probably. (So, if anyone want they can search me there, coz I'm quite poor and broken there as well..) That's it. Bye..

Oh an inspirational quote is there in the header. Do check if u have got time.
[p.s- And I took that quote personally 🧑‍🦽] 


MINGSHI: A Graphic PortfolioWhere stories live. Discover now