(CHAPTER 3, PART 7) Player 2

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"Wanna hang out after school? -Chiaki"

"Why not? Sounds great!!! -Hajime"

Chiaki Nanami was trying to prepare herself for something.

For this could possibly be the day she could confess something to Hajime.

Maybe he would confess to her first... she didn't know. Either or worked.

She wondered when would be a good time... maybe after school, yeah....

So Chiaki did her best to study, stay on task... all that usual stuff... it was a relief especially after the Aki ordeal... So she felt at ease when it came to everything!!!! Eventually, school ended for the day...

Chiaki decided to sit by the exit doors.

There she waited....

....and of course, being Chiaki, sheeeee kinda dozed off.


"Huh-?! Oh! Hajime!"

And Hajime it was.

"Y'know...I was wondering about something..."


"Well...Are you free tonight?"

"Actually... yes, I am!"

"That's good! I know that there's a park near where you are...Do you think you could come there tonight?"

"Sure thing!!!"

"Great!...Um...See you tonight!"

"You, too!!!!"

Joy was filling Chiaki's body. This was already one of the best days of her life!!!

She made sure to get herself prepared before getting into the car with her family

"You're in a good mood today, what's up?" Hikari asked her.

"Hajime and I are going to the park tonight!!!

"Oooooooh!! Nice!" Tokei said, somewhat knowing why.

With that, Chiaki decided to get properly dressed and such when she got home.

She was able to find a nice, pretty dress that was a nice pastel pink color decorated with nice teal rhinestones.

And it was just the right size for her!!!

"It was just for you!!! I requested Kumo to make it as a gift!!!"

"Thank you so much!!!!"

And so Chiaki put it right on. It was... perfect!

"I love it!!!!!"

"Glad ya do!!!!"

Eventually, after everything was set up, Hikari was able to drive Chiaki to the park when the time came.

Chiaki went into the area, and there she saw him!

"Oh hey! You made it!"

"Yep!!!! So glad to see you!!!"

The two embraced well and good.

"Can I be honest, Chiaki?"


"I've been having a lot of thoughts recently...and I wanted to tell them to you because...You're my closest friend."

Chiaki's eyes lit up.

"...oh? ...do go on..?"

"Thing is...I've been having a lot of negative thoughts recently...I mean with the whole mastermind thing, me being an Aspiring Ultimate that has yet to even achieve one talent after 3 months...and the fact that my parent rarely even show up anymore...It's just makes me feel like i'm at fault for all thi-"

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