(CHAPTER 6, PART 1) Night Lights

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Today was the first of September, which was also halfway through the last week of summer break.

Gaikotsu Tokei was right at her couch, watching one of her favorite horror films of all time, and right at the best scene. She watched in both horror and excitement seeing every bone in the protag's body shift and crack in twisted agony, as if she was watching it for the first time despite seeing the film countlessly.

Soon after she heard that chilling howl that transitioned to the next scene... she couldn't help but think of her own affliction.

She could've sworn there was one thing about it that hadn't been done in over a century of her bloodline.

With that, she paused the movie and got up, going to her and Hikari's bedroom

There, she approached a nightstand by her side of the bed, opening the top drawer and picking up an seemingly old book, flipping through the pages, not minding the dust.

"Hhmm... no.. nooo... *chu!* ...aha!"

She turned to a page titled "Lightpires"

"The Lightpires refer to those who were turned into Werepires without the blood of Tsuki. To become a Lightpire, one must be given a special elixir and a Moonstone Amulet. The Amulet can take the form of anything, but must contain at least a piece of moonstone. As for the elixir, it must contain rose petals and a part of a Werepire."

Tokei read thoughtfully... Everyone in the family loved her and her daughter Mikan's Werepire forms, so... would there be anything wrong with themselves going under a transformation?

Only one way to find out...

"Honey? Kids? ..I... need to tell you all something important."

"Yes, dear?" Hikari said

"What is it, Mama?" Chiaki asked

"Yeah, what is it?" Mikan asked as well

"You know how Mikan and I have the Werepire curse... and how you guys actually like it?"

"Of course!"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"...have you ever wanted to at least see what it was like to be one?"

"I've...honestly considered it." Sagishi said

"That's all I wanted to hear, cause I got somethin!"


"There's this little ritual that must be done to have you turned into a variation."


"How does it work?"

"For starters... I need some amulets that contain moonstone... along with roses."

"I see...I think i have some polished moonstone in my drawer" Hikari noted

"Ooh, goodie!!!!"

"I know there's a local flower store nearby owned by Mrs. Matsuzaki."

"Perfect!!! We should get there real soon! I'll start up the van right now!!!"

Hikari, Tokei, and a few of the kids got into the van, heading right toward the store.

"How may I help you today?"

"Could you let us know where the roses are?"

"Right turn, all the way down!"

"Thank you!!!!" And so they went and found a plethora of various roses of red, pink, white, yellow, black, and purple.

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