8: "I Love You, Too."

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Robin's car turned the corner onto Steve's street, the familiar rumble of Robin's old car catching his attention in the quiet night. He sighed and lifted his head, letting it hit the door behind him again.

Her car came to a stop in front of his house, "Steve?" He heard the muffled sound of her voice as the car turned off, the door slamming open and closed. Steve closed his eyes and kept his head back.

"Steve are you okay?" Hands grabbed his shoulders and he opened his eyes and lifted his head.

His eyes were red from crying. The skin around them was puffy and pale. His hair was soaked, his sweatshirt and whole body as well.

"Oh my god, Steve, we have to go inside." She reached up to the handle, opening it. "Now, inside."

He listened and got inside the door, standing there and leaning against the wall. He didn't speak or do more than stand, he was still shivering and soaking wet. She made him shower and change. She even made him tea and while he was in the shower, Dustin had shown up. He had sat on the edge of the couch, removed his shoes, and pulled his feet up.

When Steve came down he looked at Steve in a way that let Steve know that Robin knew exactly what he and Steve had talked about. He took a deep breath.

"You weren't going to tell anyone, were you." Robin broke the silence. It wasn't a question, she knew the answer. "You were just going to bottle it up until it was too much." She handed him the mug, "It's tea."

Steve nodded and sat down on the other edge of the couch from Dustin, he wasn't mad or upset, he just didn't fully know how to react to them being there. He spent the rest of the night there. Coaxed into bed by Robin and Dustin. 

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