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Every morning I wake up at around 6:00 to go on a run with Nat. So, I hop out of bed and change. I grab my water bottle and head for the kitchen. I undo the lid and start to fill it up. I hear a footstep from the doorway and turn. Bucky.
I stop filling my bottle and just look at him.
He looks a little shocked, "Hey. Sorry I didn't mean to intrude in here."
In a lighter spirit, I say, "It's alright. I'm about to head out anyways."
He opens his mouth, but says nothing. He gives me a small nod before looking at the floor.
"I didn't expect anyone else to be up. Do you always get up early," I ask.
Keeping his gaze at the floor, he shakes his head. He isn't acting normal. He seems sad or maybe confused?
"Bucky," he looks at me, "are you okay?"
He clears his throat.
"Yeah I'm fine."
I give a slow nod. I have absolutely no idea what to say. It's so obvious that he isn't fine. Fine people don't say they are fine.
"Well, if you wanna talk I am here for you."
He gives me a sharp stare.
"Even despite how we act towards each other?"
I open my mouth, but I freeze. Does he think that I purposely act this way towards him?
"You mean how YOU act towards me."
He shakes his head, "No. You always are really annoying to me and to no one else."
I give a fake laugh. "You always complain about me and be hateful when talking to me. I only be annoying back."
He doesn't say anything.
"Whatever Bucky. You wanna talk I'm here, but everything that I've ever said to you was either nice or retaliating from your words."
I walk past him and walk to the front door. I wait for Natasha. I see Bucky walk to his room, his head dropping and his hands in his pockets. Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh to him.
"Hey y/n. Ready to run?"
I look at Nat in her running outfit. I nod my head and we head out the front door.

We ran for two hours then went to a café. We sat at a window seat and ordered coffee. Me and Nat talk about missions and training. Our coffee comes and we both order brunch.
I remember all about this morning with Bucky. I do feel bad and I think I should apologize. Natasha must have seen my guilty face, because she questioned it. So I told her about my encounter with Bucky.
She leaned back into her seat, crossing her arms.
"Have you ever considered that maybe he didn't mean to be rude. It is true that sometimes he sounds mean when to him, it's a normal sentence."
I look at my coffee. I nod and say, "I did overreact. Later I am going to talk to him."
She smiles as she sips her black coffee.
"I can tell you are thinking. What about?"
She shrugs and puts her coffee down.
"It's just that you seem pretty worried about you and Bucky."
I furrow my eyebrows. "Well I don't want us to be enemies."
I give her a slight smile as our food comes. We eat without talking about Bucky.
"So y/n, what are you wearing tonight?"
I give a confused glance.
"To Stark's party?"
"Ohhhhhh. I'm not for sure and to be honest I forgot about it."
She laughs, "Of course you did. Well it starts at eight. Don't be late."
We both laugh and pay our share. After that we head back to the compound.

The Avengers Life (a romance with Bucky)Where stories live. Discover now