Before the party.

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Once we were back at the compound, I went straight to my room. It was around 9:00 am and I needed to begin getting ready. I went ahead and took a shower. I also sung my heart out to Taylor Swift.

I got out and changed into sweatpants and a crop top. I decided just to let my hair air-dry. I sat on the chair next to my vanity to begin my skin care routine. Serum, moisturizer, sunscreen, and then I start my makeup. Just a natural look for now.

After I was finished, I sat on my bed. I still had hours to go until the party. From my nightstand, I grab a book. I read about 30 pages before someone barges into my room.

"Y/n! I need your help!"

  I quickly jump up.

"Why? What's wrong?"

Wanda shuts the door and holds two dress out in front of me.

"Red dress or gray dress?"

I sigh, "Jesus Wanda. I thought there was an emergency."

She chuckled lightly and swung the dresses a little bit. I took in the details of both dresses and how I think they would look on her.

"Definitely the red dress. Matches with your hair."

She smiles, "Thanks y/n. I agree. Do you mind if I try it on in your closet?"

I shake my head and she heads into my closet. I can hear her rustling around and a zip. She steps out with the red dress on. It compliments her hair well. She smiles and does a twirl.

"Well," she says, "what do you think?"

I smile and take both her hands.

"I think you look wonderful. Make sure to wear your red heels with them though. You know the ones with just a hint of sparkle."

She nods and walks around my room, making sure she can properly walk. After a few minutes she heads back into the closet to change back. She has her dress hung on a hanger neatly.

"So," I say causally sitting back on my bed, "does there happened to be a particular reason you want to dress that nice for the party? Maybe that reason is a guy?"

She blushes and turns away from me.

"Well maybe there is this one guy."

I smirk, "It's Vision right?"

She turns towards me, "How did you know?"

I scoff and walk towards her, "Because it's the most obvious thing in this compound. And you guys hangs out a lot. Especially in your room."

She opens her mouth to say something, but doesn't. She smiles and blushes.

"Well I can't help that he goes through my walls."

I laugh and look at her dress one last time.

"Well I better start getting ready. I plan to do my makeup and curl my hair."

"Alright lovebird. Have fun and I'll see you later."

She waves to me on her way out. Once she is gone I sit back on my bed. My hair is almost dry now and I have no clue what to do with it. I decide to let it dry more and curl it. I go into my closet looking through my dresses. I have very few.

I grab out a slip on black dress with spaghetti straps. I will also wear my black heels with them to help my height. I'll need to make sure not to spill anything on myself so I don't stain my dress. After all, I'll be spending all my time at the bar with Natasha since she's working it.

I change and freshen my makeup. I go into the bathroom that I share with the rest of the people in the hall. That includes Wanda, Nat, Steve, and Vision. Though, I don't think Vision uses it at all.

When I turn to leave the bathroom, I notice Wanda in her red dress starting at me.

"You look amazing!"

I smile and look down at my self.

"So do you Wanda! Vision is gonna love it."

We leave the bathroom and make our way to the main area where the party will be hosted. Tony made sure we all understood that we needed to help set it up. When we arrive, only a few people are here.

Natasha is at the bar, cleaning glasses and getting the drinks ready to be made. Sam is up on a ladder hanging up some poster or something. Bruce is cleaning a table off while Tony is talking with a guest.

Me and Wanda go over to the bar and have a long chat with Nat. Tony eventually yells at us and has us hold Sam's ladder and help clean the table. I decide to clean off the table so I do that with Bruce.

Afterwards, more guests have arrived and Tony lights the fireplace and returns to his spot with Pepper. Sam is chatting with Steve. I return to Natasha and Wanda goes to Vision.

The party begins to get crowded where you can't see across the room. Music blares against the walls and I can barely hear Natasha talking. She makes me a drink and goes to attend to other guests. I just sit at the bar, drinking my Shirley Temple.

The Avengers Life (a romance with Bucky)Where stories live. Discover now