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One [chapter01]

Throwing the red ball and catching it repeatly, I walked pass by the chain. I stopped and glance at the vending machine, looking for canned soda.

The old man who owns the chain, he obviously hold many keys, walk outside and stopped in front of the vending machine I'm looking at. I tried to peek, still looking for canned soda but the old man is blocking the machine.

I sighed and look away. Where am I going now? I looked at the box on the side road and move my sight on the red ball I got from my win. I went to gamble for a toy, tss. With that, I'm homeless the whole night.

[How much could I offer if you are willing to sell that red ball on your hand?] 'A house will do' my mind answered. I looked at the old man who asked me.

[If you could offer me home for the night I might hand this ball,] I flipped it and catch on the air. [From not, to sold.] I raised my brows.

[A home?] That made his brows shot up.

I nod. Playfully shaking my head. [If you could offer me a shelter to stay for the night I might hand this over,] I show him a small smile from me and showed him the full view of the ball. [Unless it's a nope?]

I pursed my lips. Probably that's the lamest bargain as an exchange of a toy ball. He started walking closer, so I face him and catch a key he toss. I toss back my ball.

He raised it, showing. [What a great piece.] He said and turn his back. I tilted my head on the side while watching him. He opened the vending machine. [I'm adding this stuff in my vending machine,] he said like I asked.

My eyes shine and brightens as I saw the vending machine opened. I haven't seen vending machines open before, and this is considering my first. Wow! If only I'm a bad kid, I might have snatch those stuffs inside! Cool!

[You can get this back.] My face saddens when he closed the vending machine. [Yet that is possible if you still have a penny left with you.] He turn to me.

I raised my brows and rolled my eyes. [I'm homeless right now– I mean, earlier..] he offered home himself, right? [But it doesn't mean I have no money.]

That'll be fine but it doesn't mean I don't hold any money with me it will made me miserable. Money don't hold my happiness. Tss. Gamble does, a little.

He just shrugged. [Okay. Alright. I didn't say anything else.] What a playful old man.

I vend often in this chain. Getting stuffs and drinks. Barely foods, but if I get one it's 'junk food' probably moms call it.

[Where can I rest?] I stretched a bit. [my back aches. It needed rest.]

He walk first. [You follow, young man.] Close to rest. Ah.

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