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[Here's your room.] The old man said.

[Shelter.] I correct. This is not my home, it's other's, and my family don't live here. Not home.

Well.. I'm just saying can't feel home at somebody's home.

I heard him hem, playfully. Instead of paying attention at him, I roam my eyes inside the room. Usually capsule bedrooms are this small, the capsule bedroom at Kyoto. Wait. Is it this small or this room is a bit wider than that?

I'm counting years since I went there and stayed at one of those capsule bedrooms. And counting times of me mentioning those capsule bedrooms. Oh.

There is a single bed on the left corner, and literally a small comfort room at the opposite side. The rest room is tiny! Although it can manage to fit a person inside. A desk and a desktop over, a chair and a hanging cabinet upon the desk.

I enter. [This will do for the night.] I said, roaming around. [I could fit.] I chuckled to myself.

[Among those rooms here, three are available and this is near the stairs. You might ditch early so I put you here.] The old man told me. [Feel at home.] Ditch? And, home?

[I can't, Mister. This is different from home.] Murmuring, my eyes gaze at the rubics cube over the table. I took it. I felt his stare so, I turn to him and smiled. [Thanks for the bed. Good night.]

He smiled and gaze at somewhere inside before stepping out. [Suit yourself. Ask if you need anything,] he motioned call over his ear and did thumbs up. [Okay?]

I just nod and turn my attention on the rubics cube. I heard the door close. I snapped and smiled. [Where's the mattress?] I slightly jump and drop myself on the bed. I rest my body and closed my eyes. [Ahh. The mattress is at my back.] I smile widens.

The bed is soft, I doubt I will have a nightmare. That old man's face could be.

I wake back and lifted the rubics cube. It's a three by three. I owned three of different kinds of this, I'm remodelling the texture. All of three remodelled kinds of two by two, one by one, four by four to six and pyramid.

I snap again when I remembered a thing. I turn my gaze at the desktop. The monitor.. is it working? I looked down the table, it's plunge. Switching on will make it work.

Realising how many things to do, dropped my arms, feeling exhausted. [Ahh. My manga is waiting for me,] I stare on the monitor. [My research, my readers and friends are standing by.] I sighed. [My Mama is the only person who doesn't wait for me.]

My Mama didn't make me Benton earlier! AHH NO-huhu!

I doze off and awakened. I sat on the chair and turned the monitor on, holding rubics. I turn the rubics but I immediately drop when it lightened with red light.

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