Part 8

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Poppy was already deciding what movies to watch while I set up the karaoke machine. My mind was racing; where were they? Will they miss out? Before I could ask any questions I heard a knock at the door- FINALLY! I got up from the ground and headed to the door, "Coming!" I called before making contact with the doorknob and opened it. "I was wondering where you two were!" I laughed. Aly let out a sigh as she turned toward me, "Yeah sorry we just had some things to talk through." I nodded understandingly as I opened the door for them. "Well come on in- I'm setting up the karaoke machine right now but we can watch movies and maybe play some games as well. Just let me know if you have anything in mind," I smiled. Aly jumped at the mention of karaoke and immediately booked it towards it. "KARAOKE!!!" She screamed as we all giggled at her enthusiasm, quickly picking a playlist filled with Disney songs, I smiled as I joined in.

After doing a few songs we all sat down for a game of truth or dare. Aly smiled, "Ok who is going first?" I looked around as no one responded, Aly rolled her eyes, "Fineeee I will go, Cali Truth or Dare?" I glanced at her as I smirked, I was pretty confident at the start. "Dare." Aly giggles before stating, "I dare you to invite Template over to do the pocky challenge" I looked at her with a very annoyed look before grabbing my phone, I smirked, hoping to confuse her with my confidence. "Dare accepted," I smiled as I faced the screen toward her and pressed the call button on Template's contact. Aly gasped as the phone started to ring, it didn't take long for Template to pick up.

"Hey Cal, is something wrong?" I smiled as I shifted the phone close to me, "Hi Template, would it be possible for you to come to my house soon? The girls and I are having a sleepover, and we were wondering if you wanted to join in on a few games." Silence fell over him, "What kind of games?" I glanced at Aly, smirking. "Oh- just the pocky challenge- it was a dare, and I'm not a chicken." More silence, "This won't ruin our friendship, will it? It's just a challenge, right- It doesn't mean anything, right?" I nodded, "Yeah, it doesn't mean anything, we're gonna be friends until the end." Aly smirked and air quoted while mouthing, 'Friends.' I held in a laugh before I heard Template respond, "I'll come over in a minute, I need to finish my patrol. This is what I get for being your friend and being your brother's apprentice is it?" I couldn't help but smile, "yes, yes it is." I could hear him laugh from the other side which made my cheeks burn up just a little. "Alright, I'll be there soon, see ya." And with that he hung up. I put the phone down as I looked toward Aly. "So is he coming?!?" She screamed in excitement. I stuck my tongue out at her, "He's on patrol right now, so he should be here in a minute or so." Aly chuckles and looks at the door in anticipation. Oh lord.

A few minutes goes by and Aly has not moved- I started to get worried that she would never move. I was about to ask her to come sit on the couch before- the door handle moved. The door swung open, revealing Template, he looked- tired mostly. He looked at the sort of cult circle we had made and raised an eyebrow, "Are we trying to summon a demon or something?" I stiffened slightly- "demons huh? I don't think you can summon demons, I think it's more- ghosts?" I responded, demons were hard to summon, but it can be done. I could feel Aly stare at me for a second, I bit my lip for a second before Aly screams, "Come on!!! Dare time!!!!" I blushed as I looked at Aly, "we don't have pocky Aly." Template walks over and sits down next to me, which slightly helped with the internal panic rushing through me. Aly smirked as she opened a portal, "I'll be right back!!" She went through the portal as it closed behind her

Template looked at me as he raised an eyebrow, "it was a dare, right?" I nodded as I looked down at the ground, "yeah, I don't mind it though. As long as you're ok with it?" I looked into his eyes as he scanned mine, he could tell that I was worried. "If- if you wanna back out just tell me, ok? I don't want you feeling uncomfortable." I nodded, curling up in a ball with my chin resting on my knees. I felt like leaning on his shoulder and maybe trying to sleep, but I heard a portal open and immediately went against that idea as I sat up straight again. Aly smiled as she exited the portal, a purple blush on her face. I smirked as Pastel noticed, "Are you blushing?" Aly turned more purple before chucking a box of pocky at me, "Just do it," I stared at the box before looking at Template with a light smile on my face, shrugging as I opened the box, earning a squeal from Aly.

I grabbed out one of the chocolate dipped sticks as I looked at it, sticking it in my mouth... and bit it. I nommed on the little piece I had bit off before glancing at Aly as she looked at me in utter shock. I smirked as I bit it again, staring right into her soul. I could hear Template snicker as he watched, at least he let me have a little fun. Aly rolls her eyes, "Ha ha, You've had your fun. Now it's time for the real fun to start." she chuckles darkly. I looked at her confused before grabbing another chocolate coated stick. I glanced at Template, giving him a little nod before sticking an inch of the chocolate covered end in my mouth. Template looked at it for a second before finally doing the same on the other side.

Oh heck-

Nerves rushed through me as my cheeks heated up slightly, I refused to make eye contact with Template as I looked down at the pocky. It took a bit before I heard a little chomp. I internally panicked more as I realised that Template took the first bite. CRAP CRAP CRAP!! OKAY- it's fine, you still have a few bites until- that happens. I continued to take a small bite before glancing at Aly slightly as I heard another lil chomp. Template looked at me and mumbled, "you okay?" I glanced at him as my eyebrows furrowed, I AM NOT BACKING OUT OF A STUPID DARE!! I nodded before taking a larger bite, I was determined to see this through, I wasn't backing out, I refused to! Before I was able to process what I did, I looked down at the remaining pocky, my heart dropped as everything seemed to faze out of view. My heart pounded in my ears as I shut my eyes tightly...

One bite left.

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