1- Meeting

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Saying ahead of time! I have made up a few Pokémon that will show up here and more later! I cannot draw, but I will do my best to make descriptions of them! Now, onto the story!

I wanted to become a trainer too but had to wait another month for it to officially be my 18th birthday. The professor of our home was strict and she wanted to make sure to follow rules to the letter. But in her defense, she was a new professor and the kids here mostly feared Pokémon since they lived in the more scary part of the forest, where ghost and poison types lived, so she didn't have many opportunities to give Pokémon to kids and didn't want the kids to be endangered. Right now, I was reading a book that was recently delivered to the professor as I waited for the day to come.

Soon, a knock was at the front door and mother looked before she smiled. She got up and spoke.

"I'll get it. Dear, can you prepare some tea?" "Of course sweetheart. (Y/n), you can keep reading. Learn more about the other towns and life of this world." I nodded to father. He pat my head before getting up, starting to get the kettle boiling water.

We lived in the forest village. We were mostly surrounded by fairy and grass types. I read again as the next page showed the trainers across the world and how they were now. Very few weren't able to make the meeting to get this book published, but those who did all seemed happy, ecstatic about their lives.

Most lived fairly simple lives with the Pokémon they had received, happy with their Pokémon. Some were still trainers, aiming to beat the champion still. A few of them had become relatively famous people, one of them was a retired gym leader, and the last one was a model with specifically form changing Pokémon.

"Oh. Professor Minami. It's a pleasure to see you here." I was surprised and jostled up, seeing the woman enter the house. Her Pokémon, a Pokémon that resembled a cartoon cloud, had been invited inside as well and relaxed on the couch next to me. I looked at it and it stared back at me, poking its small white head out from the cloud and blinking its slim gray eyes at me.

"Hello?" I asked it and the Professor came to me.

"(Y/n)." I jumped and looked at her, where she stared at me. She seemed to be judging me before sighing and nodding as she stood up. "So I can trust you still..." I was confused and mother was too. Father returned and sat next to mother on the loveseat as myself, Professor Minami, and the Pokémon sat on a three-seater couch.

"Professor? What do you mean by that?" She seemed uncertain with mother's question and spoke soon, pulling up her small Leavanny-made leaf pouch. I was confused as she pulled out a small box that she placed on the coffee table next to her.

"As you have been a... rather careful and trustworthy assistant of mine, I am willing to give you a Pokémon a day early..." She mumbled and I looked at her. I was surprised but excited as the kettle started to whistle, signaling the boiled water was ready.

"I'll get that. What kind of tea would you like?" He asked and Professor Minami spoke.

"I'll be fine with masala chai. If you'd be so kind." Father nodded and smiled, getting the tea leaves. Mother smiled and spoke. "Oh, hibiscus tea please." I looked and spoke, happily as I got up to help him, getting the pot of leaves for my tea since father got the other leaves out. "I'll make myself a sencha tea. What about you father?" He smiled and pat my head as he poured the water over the leaves. "I'm making myself a rooibos tea." I nodded as I got the tray. The Pokémon cooed and Professor Minami looked before speaking.

Sprouting Hope (Ortega x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя