2- Start

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I couldn't find a picture of the treetop cottage house I wanted to have you guys imagine but this is close enough. Imagine there's no stairs or ladders and the forest is denser please. It's close enough to my imagination.
Lots of text so I'm sorry before this even starts.
I should clarify that some Pokémon up to Pokémon Scarlet/Violet will be used. I am limiting how many I will use per region, but I cannot control what Pokémon Captain-America-girl uses on their side. I have limited myself to 300 (about 33 per region) up to 500 (about 56 per region) official Pokémon, though this will not be official, as in there could be 34 from Gen 8 and 62 in Gen 1 or something. This does mean I am giving myself 100-300 original or other fanmade Pokémon so long as I can credit any fanmade ones. Also, on the other side, the character from here is going by the name of an OC of mine, and theirs seems to be an OC insert. Still, I'd like you to read their side. So you all know, other than this chapter and any possible exceptions, I will @ them whenever our characters interact.

When I got my Pokémon, it was at home. I was accidentally too excited and stayed up a bit too late, so I woke up to Foramay on my chest, using her tail to tickle my nose.

"Ah!" I sat up in surprise and Foramay jumped back. I blinked before smiling.

"Oh right. Hi Foramay! Have you been here for long?" Foramay cheered and shook her head. I smiled and picked her up before putting her on the open window.

"I'll get dressed then I'll be down there. Okay?" Foramay cheered and nodded, jumping down the branches too before getting inside. I smiled and changed into my normal clothes. I smiled and swung down to the main room from one branch and opened the door, pushing some of the moss on the roof aside.

Professor Minami sighed and mumbled.

"Honestly... how late were you up..?" "Um.... the moon was at its peak..." I mumbled and she sighed before yelling at me. Mother and father were also just walking up and yawned but sat at the couch.

"You need to be careful! And take care of yourself!" "Professor Minami. It's okay. You did get here the second the sun rose." Father smiled to her and she looked before sighing.

"Right... right..." She calmed herself and looked at Foramay.

"Foramay, are you ready to be with (Y/n)?" Foramay cheered and jumped to me. Mother smiled as she drank coffee to wake up. Father did the same before he gave some leftovers to the wild Hoppip, Oddish, Sewaddle, Cottonee, and Floette. They were happy and ate from the tray on the open windowsill before he returned to us.

"But Professor, thank you for trusting (Y/n)." She nodded and had an extra small bag with her. Altromus was with her again and sighed with my behavior too.

Altromus looked at her and cooed, where she looked and sighed.

"Right. She'll be okay. You have nothing to worry about, boy. I'm totally calm. I'm not the worried one. Not at all." She mumbled to Altromus and he sighed. He let out another whistle and she looked before sighing and nodding. I smiled as Foramay jumped on me. I smiled to her as her bushy tail hung over my shoulder.

She smiled and cheered, gently crawling down me to my lap. I smiled and she started to knead my lap. I smiled and pet her as Professor Minami was completely relaxed. She sighed and smiled, seeing us. Mother smiled and sat next to me, smiling to Foramay.

"Hi there cutie. I'm (Y/n)'s Mother." Foramay stared at her before cheering and smiling to her. Father smiled too and gently pet her. She looked before slightly purring and cuddling with him as he did it. Professor Minami was relieved as she smiled, sitting on the loveseat with Altromus.

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