Chapter 16

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AmberPaw sniffed at ShrewLeap, he laid in a nest, looking up at her " I feel fine, I've just had a cough " He meowed, and AmberPaw nodded " I want you to stay in the medicine den for a bit, I'm worried it might be Green cough, or a early stage " AmberPaw mewed " And it's best for SquirrelFlight, we don't want her getting sick so close to having the kits " " Your right, should I move? " ShrewLeap asked, and AmberPaw looked around " Yes, let's move you to the back, incase you do get sick, we can quarantine you better " AmberPaw meowed, and ShrewLeap nodded, trotting to the back of the den, and laid gently in the nest " I'll get you something to eat, and tell SquirrelFlight the news " AmberPaw mewed, and trotted out of the den, going up the medicine den slope, and down the main path to the Nursery. " SquirrelFlight? Are you awake? " AmberPaw mewed, and looked in the nursery " Yes yes, come in, how is ShrewLeap? " SquirrelFlight asked, sitting up " He May have a early stage of GreenCough, we are keeping him in the medicine den, to keep him and you safe " AmberPaw explained, and SquirrelFlight sighed " I see, well, tell him I miss him " She mewed, and AmberPaw nodded " I will, get some rest SquirrelFlight " AmberPaw said, as she trotted out of the den, picking up a water Vole, and trotting up the path again. " AmberPaw! Wanna come join us? Where gonna go play in the snow! " DewPaw called her over, and AmberPaw sighed " I can't, i have to bring this vole down to ShrewLeap and monitor him, LeafPool is out seeing in KestrelFlight has CatMint, maybe tomorrow, or later " AmberPaw meowed, and DewPaw sighed " It's ok...we'll see you later AmberPaw " and stalked out of camp, FernPaw and SnowPaw by his side. AmberPaw walked into the den, and laid the vole down by ShrewLeaps paws " SquirrelFlight says she misses you, now get some rest, I'll check in on you later " AmberPaw mewed, and walked to the camp entrance, JinxSplash sat there, his eyes wide with worry " Please hurry AmberPaw, it's WallabyStar, she says she has a wild headache, she won't eat " He mewed, and AmberPaw nodded " Let's go " She mumbled, and rushed up the trail, into the leaders den, GooseFlash laid besides WallabyStar, nuzzling the kits under Xer. " GooseFlash, JinxSplash, take the kits to the nursery, we don't want them getting sick " AmberPaw instructed, and they nodded " ShrimpKit, IvyKit, hop on Mama Gooses back, we're going on a ride " GooseFlash meowed, and the two kits climbed onto her back, GooseFlash trotted out of the den, and down the path, JinxSplash followed after with PygmyKit and CrowKit on his back. " WallabyStar, will you tell me how you feel? " AmberPaw asked, gently feeling her forehead " Shes burning up... " AmberPaw thought. " I want LeafPool...." WallabyStar mewed " I'll send HollyStalk to get her, but tell me what's wrong " AmberPaw mewed, and WallabyStar groaned " My head hurts...and my throat too..." " Ok, I'm going to send HollyStalk out to get LeafPool, and I'll get you some herbs, ok? Just try and stay awake " AmberPaw meowed, and WallabyStar nodded " Ok, I'll be back " AmberPaw said, and ran out of camp " HollyStalk! HollyStalk! I need you to find LeafPool, she's at WindClan, but should be heading back, WallabyStar wants her " AmberPaw spoke, her paws fidgeted with anxiety " Ok, I'll head out " HollyStalk mumbled, and dashed out of camp, AmberPaw continued down to the medicine den, grabbing a bundle of Poppy seeds, chamomile, and Tansy, quickly dashing back up to the leaders den, and placing the herbs in front of WallabyStar. " Ok, eat one of these, two of these leaves, and one Poppy seed " AmberPaw mewed, and she gently slid the herbs in front of her. WallabyStar slowly lapped them up, and yawned " I she coming...? " WallabyStar asked " Yes, now you can rest, but try not to sleep until she gets back " AmberPaw mewed, and sat besides her leader, moving the herbs to the side of the den wall. AmberPaw took a deep breath, looking out of the den, the sky was clouded over, and snow fell slowly. " I'm here! AmberPaw what did you give her? " LeafPool gasped, running up to WallabyStar " I gave her one Tansy stalk, Two chamomile leaves, and one Poppy seeds, I didn't want to over do it " AmberPaw mewed, and LeafPool sighed " You did a good job, I'll watch her for now, she's weak, go check on the other warriors " She mewed, and AmberPaw nodded, stalking out of the den. " AmberPaw..." AmberPaw lifted her head, turning to The voice, WallabyStar smiled softly at her " Thank you..." " Of course...your my leader.." AmberPaw mewed, and walked down the trail, and down to the medicine den again, it was going to be a long day.

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