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Lily P.O.V

Scott and I walk through the Beacon Hills forest. Him asking an incessant amount of questions. "So, are you a werewolf. If so, would I move as fast as you?" He ask hopefully. "No, I'm part vampire and witch. I'm faster that you'll ever be," I tell him, bursting his bubble. "Vampires and witches exist?" He ask excitedly. "Yep, along with sirens and ghost," I tell him. "Cool," he mutters. Finally coming to a clearing in th woods, I drop my purse. "Ok Scott, let's start," I tell him. "First, we're going to o start with controlling your emotions. No matter what they are," I tell him. "Got it. Easy," he says confidentially. "You're still a new werewolf so just about anything can set you off. Now, go over there, sit indian style and close your eyes as though your meditating. I'm going to o give you a scenario. You need to imagine it and control your emotions. Everytime you fail, I wack you in the head," I tell him. Doing as he's told, Scott walks over to where I pointed and sits down, closing his eyes. "Now imagine, your walking through the woods. The weather is just terrible. Every step you take, mud is just sploshing everywhere. Your wolf senses catch onto the scent of blood so of course you follow it.  When you get there, you see Allison and Derek. Derek has his claws against Allison's throat and she has tears running down her face. He looks up at you coldly and just like that, he slashes her throat," I say in a story telling mode. This alone is enough to set Scott off. How wolf features appear an she sprints at me. I easily doge his attack, showing him my own wolf eyes. "Scott, control!" I say in an ordering tone. He lets out a low growl and sprints at me again. "Now, think of you and Allison dancing. She has on a knee length pink dress with matching heels. It's your anniversary and she's talking bout wanting kids. Stiles is happy with Lydia and she wants them to be your best man and woman at you wedding," I say. His amber eyes flicker. His claws retract and he turns back to normal. "Woah," he mutters. "I did it!" He cheers. Is peed over behind him and give him a hard whack to the head, sending him to his knees. "What the hell?!" He shouts, causing me to laugh. "Let's do it again. You think of Allison coming to harm. You let your anger raise and then try to cool it. The same thing that can cause you to lose control is the same thing that can cause you to keep it" I tell him this time. He nods, going back into the position. I sit down on a small tree trunk and watch. Hours later, Scott and I decide it's best to go home. He's a fast learner. He learns quicker than most werewolves. I've seen werewolves older than him with no control whatsoever. I open the door to my apartment, an immediate snarl forming on my face. Sitting at my kitchen counter is non other than Klaus Mikealson. In other words, my father. "What are you doing here?" I snarl, throwing my purse on the couch. "Well, I heard you turned down Marcel's offer," he smirks. "You mean 'your' offer," I snarl. "I'm not helping you in your supernatural war. I'm happy here," I tell him. "I'm not giving you a choice!" He snaps, standing up. "Why, because you're my 'father.' You don't get to order me around. I am not one of your little minions who you order around!" I snap back. His eyes glow amber  causing me to roll my eyes. "You need to leave," I seethe. "I am not leaving without you," he says. "Then you better get a place and settle in," I says, shoving past him. "I want you gone by morning," I tell him. He grabs my arm roughly, pulling me back. "Do not walk away from me," he growls. "You came to me, Klaus. Not the other way around. And you walked out on me first. 700 years ago," I nearly snap, pulling my arm away. Now, go," I order. "Not a bloody chance," he says back in equal stubbornness. "Niklaus!" A voice snaps by the door, causing him to let me go. I turn to see Elijah and Rebekah standing at the door. "Oh great. The whole bloody family," I scoff. "It's great to see you too Lily," Rebekah smiles. "What is with you people as your incessant nagging. I don't want it help. I don't even know the little girl," I say. "Please Lily. Shes your sister and you're one of the most powerful member sog this family," Rebekah sighs. "I don't have a sister. Maybe by blood but, that's all. And you," I say, turning to Klaus. "You're not going to just be the biggest dick in the world and appear whenever you need me. That is not how this works. Now, for the love of God, would you all just leave," I snap. "Liliana. Hope is your family," Elijah says. "I have no family," I scoff. It's true that Elijah and Rebekah have done me no wrong but I could never trust Elijah. In the end, he always finds a way to side with Klaus. I can't trust him. Sometimes, it's the same with Rebekah. I was always closest with Kol. We both shared the same dislike for Klaus and I knew he'd never betray me. No matter how crazy he was. "Now, leave," I order. "So, you'll talk to Marcel but not us," Klaus scoffs. "I trust Marcel," I tell him. Now, which ever one of your old enemies popped up, it's your problem. I have enough to deal with hear and I don't need your baggage weighing me down," I hiss. They all stand there with nothing to say. Elijah obviously trying to find the words to convince me. "There's the door bitches," I snap, pointing towards the door. "This is not over," Klaus growls, storming out with Elijah not far behind. Finally, the only one left is Rebekah. "Let me guess, now I'm the villain," I scoff. "No, I was going to say I understand. Nik has been the worst father to you and is as selfish as can be but, this little girl is innocent. I know she has the rest of us but you alone could make a big difference," she says. "Not a chance," I tell her. "Now, I want you gone. Not just from here but from Beacon Hills. Whenever we're all together in one place, we destroy everything we touch," I sigh. "Just think about it," she sighs, walking out.

Like hell I will.

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