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I park my car in front of the school building with an annoyed huff. I know it's petty, but my mood has not dimmed from last night's surprise. I walk into the building and immediately make my way to my locker and grab my necessary books. "Hey babe," Noah greets, planted a kiss to my forehead. When he sees my annoyed expression, he grows worried. "Everything alright?" He ask me. "Yeah, just family problems," I huff, causing him to nod. "Want to talk about it?" He ask. That's all I need to start blabbing. "I mean, my dad is so arrogant. He can't just be like the worst father in the world and then just appear when he needs something. He treats me like a tool. He just sucks up everything good about life and destroys it! He's a manipulative jerk who takes everything for granted," I rant. Look up to see Noah standing there with a raised brow.  "Feel better?" He ask. "Not in the slightest," I grumble. The warning bell Riggs, causing me to sigh. "Let's get to class," I sigh. "Nope," he smirks. "What do you mean 'nope?'" I ask with a pissed tone. "I mean, you need a stress free day. Let's skip, I'll take you out. We can go all around town and do whatever," he smiles. The idea causes me to smile. "Really?" I ask, leaning into his embrace. "Really, now let's go," he says. We sneak off to the back entrance that the usually keep locked. "Work your magic," he smiles, pointing to the lock. Smirking, I pull out a bobby pin and easily pick the lock. There I see his motorbike parked in the back parking lot. "Seriously?" I ask. "What? Is it wrong to plan the perfect day with my girl?" He ask. "Nope," I smile, causing him to laugh. I climb onto the bike, wrapping my arms around his waist. OHe hands me a black helmet and drives off. He parks the car in front of Yvette's Milkshakes and Burgers. My favorite place in this entire town. We walk into the shop and he tells me to go find a booth while he orders. He comes back with my favorite. Peanut butter milkshake, whipped cream on the bottom. "Thanks," I smile, taking a sip. "So, what do you want to do?" He ask. "Well, I heard there was this new bowling alley/arcade in town. Maybe we can go there," I suggest. "Your wish is my command," he says in a fake posh accent, causing me to laugh. "But until then, we can stay here for a little bit. I hear there's a art show at the town square. They're doing music and a bunch of artist are selling their art," I say hopefully. "Ok, then that's where we'll go," he smile.

The moment we arrive in the town square, I smile at the sight of all the art people or making and selling. I hate to admit it but, I got my love of art from Klaus. That's something we both share in common though, we'd never admit it. "This place is like magic to you, isn't it?" Noah smiles. "Every piece of art here tells a story. Whether it's of an adventure or an epic love the artist once had," I say. "You sound like an old lady," he giggles. "Hey, maybe I am at heart," I giggle. Suddenly, I run apon a pice of art that catches my attention. It's of the entire Mikealson family, including me 500 years ago in Bulgaria. Elijah made me join in, much against my will. "Wow, she looks like you. It's kinda scary," Noah points out. "For real," I mutter. I look around in search of whoever put it here. Praying it was not Klaus. But, the Mickelson's have done so much over the last thousand years, there's pieces of us everywhere. "I'll buy it," I say to the artist. "That'll be 60 Miss," the old ma smiles. "Hey Noah, can you go get me a bottle of water while I do this?" I ask him. "Yeah," he smiles walking off into then crowd. The moment he's out of sight, I turn to then old man. "Where did you get this painting?" I ask, compelling him, looking him directly in the eyes. "An old antique store while in vacation in Bulgaria," he says absent mindedly. "Forget this conversation," I compel in relief. Thank God Klaus isn't lingering around. The old man packs up my painting just in time for Noah to arrive. "There's a rock concert over there. I want to go," Noah says. "Ok, let me pay him," I tell him. I quickly give the old man the money and we walk off into the crowd.

When the concerts over, we make our way to the bowling alley where we see Scott, Lydia, Stiles, Jackson and Allison. "Hey, wanna go hang with them?" Noah ask. "Yeah, come on," I say, walking over. "Hey you two," Lydia cheers, pulling me into a tight hug. "We're about to have a competition. Wanna join?" Scott ask. "Just know, I'ma win," I smirk arrogantly. "In your dreams," Jackson challenges. "Game on, White more," I challenge back, shaking his hand. What can I say? I'm a competitive soul.

"You two first," Lydia says to Allison. Scott walks up there with a nervous look. I mean, bad form and all. He winds back his arm before letting go. My jaw dropping to the floor at how bad he misses. "Please tell me that was a fluke," I whisper to him. "Nope, can't play. "Well, damn," Noah mutters. "You suck dude," he laughs, causing me to elbow hom softly. Next up is Lydia and Jackson. Lydia acting like she can't play. I know she can because we played together when I first came to town. On my turn, I walk up there and give Jackson a look, practically teasing him and swing. My ball rolls straight, knocking down ever pin, causing me to give him a smirk I know annoys him to his very core. Scott walks back up nervously when Allison walks behind him. She's whispers something in his ear. Something I don't bother trying to ease drop on. Something sexual non the less. Whatever she said is all it takes for Scott to knock down every pin. "Damn Allison," I say causing her to smirk. "What did you say to him?" Lydia ask. "Just some words of encouragement," she smirks. I look over at Jackson to see him fuming with jealously. Another reason of joy. I'd happily lose just to see him upset. And everybody knows how much I hate losing.

When the nights over, Noah drives me home. "Bye," he smiles, kissing me in my cheek. "Bye, love you," I smile, walking into my building.

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