Chapter 1

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                                                                                POV Ram      

Maybe I could duck then I would avoid it right too late, fire hit my wing making me crash into the ravine my horns crashing into webs tangling me up but i was the lucky one.

As my pursuers got trapped in the webs as it slowly cut off their limbs my mouth opened in shock. But then realized a dragon was doing it was a spiderwing known for their deadly bites and cuts they bit off pursuers heads. A voice said why are you staring at me surely you are not foolish enough to make me mad  im sorry but Why would you kill those guys for me. Should I trust her ram thought. They answered slowly saying why ask when I obviously helped you.

What's your name they asked. ram I stuttered, mines dancer They said oh why are people chasing you young fellow she said with a smirk. Suddenly a voice shouted stop it tarantula your name isn't dancer stop flirting for young dragnets

Tarantula smile stopped and yelled back I'm not flirting I'm just trying to make myself seem attractive! But the other voice yelled back that's what flirting is! Well you fake your name you call yourself vine but your real name is, suddenly vine jumped down and put her stinger on tarantulas neck. We don't talk about that understood vine said.

( that's all for today folks I will try to post everyday but sometimes I will be busy I hope you guys enjoy this it Took a surprising amount of time to do this little piece tomorrow I'll try to post even more I know this chapter was quite short)

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