07. lies

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JORDAN WAS sitting on the hood of Steve's car, whose injuries had started to worsen. His eye was swollen, and there was large gash across his cheek.

Tommy returned from the store, tossing Steve the things he'd requested. "You owe me $1.20."

"Relax," Jordan said, handing Tommy a bill and two dimes. "I got it covered."

Tommy took it wordlessly. "Don't worry. When we're done with him, he'll need more than aspirin."

Carol popped the gum in her mouth, chuckling. "Yeah, if the creep ever gets out. The cops should just lock him up forever. Did you see the look on his face?"

She punched Tommy in the chest repeatedly, mocking Jonathan, and he laughed. "He probably had the same look in his eye whenever he killed his brother, right?"

Jordan tensed. "That's not fucking funny. The kid's dead, man. Show some respect."

"Jesus," Tommy snorted. "What's up your ass today?"

"Oh, God," Carol said. "I just got an image of him making that face while him and Nancy are screwing."

"Carol, for once in your life, shut your goddamn mouth," Steve snapped.

"What?" She blinked, expression faltering.

"What's your problem?" Tommy demanded.

"You're all assholes, that's my problem."

"All?" Jordan echoed, annoyance bubbling in his chest, and he stood to follow Steve. Who the hell did Steve think he was talking to? "I didn't do shit."

"Didn't do shit? So what was all of that talk at your house? Or in my car, huh?"

"Are you serious right now?" Tommy asked, and Steve pushed him out of the way.

"Yeah, I'm serious. You shouldn't have done that."

"Done what?"

"You know what."

"You mean call her out for what she really is? Oh, that's funny, because I don't remember you asking me to stop."

"I should've put that spray paint down your throat."

"What the hell, Steve?" Carol threw her hands up.

"You know," Steve clicked his tongue. "None of you ever cared about her. You never even liked her. Because she's not miserable like the three of you. She actually cares about other people. There wasn't a conversation where you didn't mock her somehow, Jordan. Your sister was right about you."

"Yeah, great, agree with my punk ass sister instead of your best friend. Nice to know how you really feel, Harrington."

"And he prefers the slut with a heart of gold to us," Carol added.

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