08. the bath

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


WHEN ELEVEN left to use the bathroom, the kitchen fell into a disappointed silence. Quinn's fingers tapped anxiously against her crossed arms, and she glanced to her cousin. "So, what the hell was that?"

Mike sighed, ready to answer for Lucas. "Whenever she uses her powers, she gets weak. The more energy she uses, the more tired she gets."

"Like, she flipped a van earlier."

"It was awesome," Dustin grinned.

"But she's drained."

"Like a bad battery."

"Well, how do we make her better?" Joyce asked.

"The same way you'd do with a drained battery, I'd assume," Quinn said, briefly looking back to the hallway entrance. "We just have to let her charge."

"But... how long is that going to take?" Nancy wondered.

"I don't know," Mike admitted, shrugging with a sigh. Quinn shifted on her feet, mind wandering to Jordan. The last she'd seen of him, they'd split off after sprinting away from the cops. She hoped he had made it home safe—hoped that her shower excuse would be enough to convince their parents that Jordan had been home the whole day. Maybe he would be smart enough to climb through his bedroom window instead of waltzing through the front door.

"The bath," a voice said from behind. Quinn whirled around, hand on her heart.

"Jesus Christ," she murmured, eyes wide. "We've got to put a bell on her."


Eleven swallowed. "I can find them. In the bath."

After Dustin had made a call to the middle school science teacher, the group had begun to form a plan. Eleven needed salt, and lots of it. She hadn't really explained why, or how she planned on finding Will and Barb in a bathtub, but Quinn was learning very quickly not to question things—because she was a horror movie expert. And when people questioned things in horror movies, they usually were the first to die.

Excluding the stereotypical blonde cheerleader slut that usually tripped over a branch and died—Quinn did not have any plans on being the second girl to go.

They moved to the middle school. Hopper and Jonathan ventured off to find all of the bags of salt, Nancy and Mike went to find hoses, and Joyce was helping Eleven prepare somewhere deeper in the school.

And Quinn wounded up helping Lucas and Dustin put together the inflatable pool that Joyce had given to them. Quinn flipped the directions book over in her hands, brows furrowed. "Okay guys, the blue definitely does not go on top."

"I told you it was upside down," Lucas shot at Dustin, promoting him to roll his eyes.

"Shut up."

"Pull it back more," Quinn instructed, watching them struggle to keep the sides of the pool upright.

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