(SEASON 4) Beneath the Surface

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(We have finally made it to Season 4...y'all are not prepared for what I've got planned. This is one of my favorite songs, and I was going to put a certain...dun dun...dun dun...dundundudnundun—song but...I'm saving that for later—oh, did I just foreshadowing something? WELCOME TO SEASON 4)


Hunter was relaxing on the top of boat, his Shark hood over his head as to not burn his face or neck since it was the only part of his body (besides his hands and forearms) that was vulnerable to the sun. He reached for the collar of his shirt to grab one of his necklaces; pulling out the Giganotosaurus tooth from around his neck.

He failed to keep the Giganotosaurus DNA out of the wrong hands.

The worse hands no less...Hawkes.

Hawkes is part of Cassidy Ravens hunter empire; he helped torture Hunter when he was forced into the Empire.

How has nobody done anything to stop Cassidy?

Because the Ravens family has money. They've been close to everybody with power or influence throughout history. At a time the Ravens family was vast, there was a Ravens member on every continent; including Antarctica.

But then the Ravens started disappearing around the 1980s all the way to 2001. The year Hunter was born.

As far as Hunter knows; only himself, George, and Cassidy are the remaining members of the family.

George probably isn't part of that anymore...

The last time Hunter saw George...he wasn't doing so well, he hasn't been doing well for a long time. Hunter watched as over time George's body became weak; even when George was in his 50s-70s he was a strong man...but after Hunter was born, he started deteriorating.

Hunters own mother, Alexandria Ravens (formerly Grady), died soon after. He barely even acknowledged her: he regrets ever ignoring her.

But it was Cassidy Ravens fault for ruining everything in Hunters life.

His mother.

Innocent animals & people.


And most importantly his frie—

Hunter tucked the Giganotosaurus tooth back under his shirt, not wanting to think it any further before something poked his hand underneath his shirt. He pulled out the other necklace with all the shark teeth he's collected over the years; he blankly stared at it.

To a name a few on the necklace:

Bluntnose Sixgill Shark.

Goblin Shark.

Great Hammerhead Shark.

Tiger Shark.

Bull Shark.

Speartooth Shark.

Salmon Shark.

Greenland Shark.

Shortfin Mako.

Sand Tiger.




Blue Shark.

And the centerpiece was none other than the greatest of them all: The Great White.

It is the same tooth that the Doctors found in his shredded organs from the shark attack. Hunter put the necklace back underneath his shirt and sat up to lift up the left side of his shirt. He had a long stare at the bite mark from the Great White Shark.

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